DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I don't use LinkedIn and Why you should also!

suchintan profile image

I don't agree with your point over LinkedIn.

It's completely natural that some people scatter the platform with some useless memes or selfies. ( I faced it on LinkedIn , never saw any fake motivation though )

But that doesn't make the platform less worthy than other platforms that we use in our day-to-day life.💁🏻‍♂️

I have seen many people using LinkedIn in the right way to land themselves on their dream jobs. Your profile on LinkedIn is your portfolio where recruiters or other professional people can assess you. 🤔

It's important that you understand the use of the platform, try to make-

➡️ good connections or networks
➡️ try to enhance your profile in a professional way ( it matters )
➡️ try to learn from others mistake , they are not fake motivation till they are sharing their failures and mistakes from which you can learn from.
➡️ try to keep yourself updated with the current need of market and upskill
➡️ sharing your achievements is ok ! You have earned something fruitful.

That's what my take would be over to know others views as well !