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Sudarshan Swain
Sudarshan Swain

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Kubernetes networking interview questions


1 What is the role of a Container Network Interface (CNI) in Kubernetes, and how does it work?

2 Explain the difference between a pod network and a service network in Kubernetes.

3 What are the different network plugins
4 What is the role of a Container Network Interface (CNI) in Kubernetes, and how does it work?

5 Explain the difference between a pod network and a service network in Kubernetes.

6 What are the different network plugins or solutions commonly used for Kubernetes networking? Can you name a few?

7 How does service discovery work in Kubernetes, and what role does DNS play in the process?

8 What is kube-proxy, and what is its purpose in Kubernetes networking?

9 Explain the concept of network
policies in Kubernetes. How are they implemented and what do they allow you to do?

10 How can you secure the communication between pods and nodes in a Kubernetes cluster?

11 What is an Ingress controller in Kubernetes, and how does it enable external access to services?

12 What is the purpose of a CNI plugin, and how does it integrate with container runtimes?

13 How can you troubleshoot networking issues in a Kubernetes cluster? What tools or commands can you use for debugging?plugins or solutions commonly used for Kubernetes networking? Can you name a few?

14 How does service discovery work in Kubernetes, and what role does DNS play in the process?

15 What is kube-proxy, and what is its purpose in Kubernetes networking?
Explain the concept of network policies in Kubernetes. How are they implemented and what do they allow you to do?

16 How can you secure the communication between pods and nodes in a Kubernetes cluster?

17 What is an Ingress controller in Kubernetes, and how does it enable external access to services?

18 What is the purpose of a CNI plugin, and how does it integrate with container runtimes?

19 How can you troubleshoot networking issues in a Kubernetes cluster? What tools or commands can you use for debugging?

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