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Sudarshan Swain
Sudarshan Swain

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Upgrading eks from 1.22 to 1.23 : A Step-by-Step Guide

Upgrading Kubernetes to a newer version is essential to leverage the latest features, bug fixes, and security enhancements. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of upgrading your Kubernetes cluster from version 1.22 to 1.24. Let's get started!

1. Review the Release Notes
Begin by carefully reviewing the release notes for Kubernetes 1.24. Pay close attention to the "Changes" and "Deprecations" sections, as they highlight any breaking changes or deprecated features that might affect your cluster. Understanding these changes will help you prepare for the upgrade process.

2. Back Up Your Data
Before proceeding with any upgrade, it's crucial to back up your cluster's data. This includes persistent volumes, configurations, and application data. Taking this precautionary step ensures that you can restore your cluster in case any issues arise during the upgrade process.

eks upgrade 1.22 to 1.23

Follow the below order for eks upgrade

  • Control plane upgrade
  • Worker Nodes upgrade
  • Kubectl
  • Add on
  • AWS-node
  • kube-proxy
  • coredns

3. Upgrade Control Plane Components
The control plane components, including the API server, controller manager, and scheduler, form the backbone of your Kubernetes cluster. Here's how you can upgrade them:

Drain the control plane nodes: Evict all pods running on the control plane nodes to ensure a smooth upgrade process. Use the kubectl drain command to accomplish this.

Upgrade the control plane components: Update each control plane component one by one. The process may vary depending on your installation method. If you're using kubeadm, you can employ the kubeadm upgrade command to upgrade these components.

Verify control plane upgrade: After upgrading each control plane component, ensure that it's running correctly and that the cluster remains stable before proceeding to the next component.

4. Upgrade Worker Nodes
Now it's time to upgrade the worker nodes in your cluster. Follow these steps:

Drain the worker nodes: Similar to the control plane nodes, evict all pods running on the worker nodes using the kubectl drain command.

Upgrade the worker nodes: Update the Kubernetes binaries on each worker node. The specific steps depend on your installation method. For example, with kubeadm, you can use the kubeadm upgrade node command for each worker node.

Verify worker node upgrade: After upgrading each worker node, ensure that it successfully rejoins the cluster and that all pods are running as expected.

5. Update the Kubelet and kubectl Binaries
To ensure compatibility and interact with the cluster using the new Kubernetes version, update the kubelet and kubectl binaries on all nodes in your cluster.

6. Validate the Cluster
Thoroughly test the upgraded cluster to verify its functionality:

Run tests on your applications, services, and critical workloads to ensure they operate as expected.
Check that all the cluster components are functioning correctly.
Perform comprehensive testing to validate the cluster's stability and reliability.
7. Update Application Configurations
If the new Kubernetes version introduces changes that impact your application deployments or configurations, make the necessary adjustments. Refer to the release notes for specific guidance on changes to API objects, deprecations, or new features.

8. Monitor and Troubleshoot
After the upgrade process, keep a close eye on your cluster and monitor logs, metrics, and alerts. This allows you to quickly identify and address any potential issues. If you encounter difficulties, consult the Kubernetes documentation, forums, or community for troubleshooting guidance.

Remember to test the upgrade process in a non-production environment

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