In this post I am not going to get into detailed approaches.🙄
I am going to say common approaches.
How to learn coding easily and fast but don't forget the best practices👌.
It helps you create best quality.
According to my personal experience learning with videos and tutorials could be a big waste of time.
Sometimes they are only for marketing and not providing best quality.
They always say you it is the best way to learn something.
Of course some of them is really great.
But even these kind of things could make you lose your time.
In my case I always use official documentation to get a brief idea of it.
And then I am searching the best example project providing excellent code quality and practices.
By analyzing the code and working along it could be a best way to learn.
So what I am going to saying is learning by example with official documentation.
It always helps me to learn new things.
I hope this article helps you being talent dev.😎
Thank you.
Top comments (8)
great sharing
Great. I love your way mentoring.
Thank you! This really helps me.
Thank you, awesome!
Also I would like you to provide detailed information.
What a great article for beginners! thanks a ton 🙏
Thanks a ton. I like to know how to learn rust. Currently I am learning rust and wanna be a rust embedded system dev.
Thank you for your consideration. First I would like to know about your experience level.
Thanks for your advice. I am looking for your next article.