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Powershell basics for Cybersecurity

PowerShell is a scripting and automation framework that is widely used in cybersecurity for tasks such as log analysis, vulnerability scanning and incident response. PowerShell is primarily associated with Windows,but it's also becoming increasingly cross-platform with Linux and MacOS.

In this PowerShell basics, I'll highlight aspects relevant to cybersecurity along with sample code.

1. PowerShell Basics:

a. Variables:

# Variable assignment
$name = "John"
Write-Host "Hello, $name!"
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b. Arrays:

# Array creation and iteration
$fruits = @("Apple", "Banana", "Orange")
foreach ($fruit in $fruits) {
    Write-Host $fruit
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c. Functions:

# Function definition and usage
function Greet {
    param (
    Write-Host "Hello, $name!"

Greet -name "Alice"
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d. Conditionals:

# If-else statement
$number = 10
if ($number -gt 5) {
    Write-Host "The number is greater than 5."
} else {
    Write-Host "The number is 5 or less."
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2. PowerShell for Cross-Platform:

a. Installing PowerShell on Linux:

  • For Debian-based systems (e.g., Ubuntu):
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install -y powershell
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  • For Red Hat-based systems (e.g., CentOS):
  sudo yum install -y powershell
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b. Running PowerShell on Linux:

  • Open a terminal and type pwsh to start PowerShell.

3. PowerShell in Cybersecurity:

a. Log Analysis:

# Example: Analyzing Windows Security Event Logs
$securityEvents = Get-WinEvent -LogName Security -MaxEvents 10
foreach ($event in $securityEvents) {
    Write-Host "Event ID: $($event.Id) | Message: $($event.Message)"
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b. Vulnerability Scanning:

# Example: Checking for open ports using Test-NetConnection
$computers = @("", "")
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
    $result = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $computer -Port 80
    Write-Host "$computer | Port 80 open: $($result.TcpTestSucceeded)"
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c. Incident Response:

# Example: Collecting system information after an incident
$systemInfo = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem
$processes = Get-Process

Write-Host "System Information:"
Write-Host "Computer Name: $($systemInfo.Name)"
Write-Host "Total Processes: $($processes.Count)"
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Sample Output:

PS C:\Users\ABC> Write-Host "Computer Name: $($systemInfo.Name)"
Computer Name: SWXXXXOY
PS C:\Users\ABC> Write-Host "Total Processes: $($processes.Count)"
Total Processes: 276
PS C:\Users\ABC>
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These are simple examples, and in real-world scenarios, PowerShell scripts can be much more complex and tailored to specific cybersecurity tasks.

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Top comments (1)

sidharrth profile image
Siv Deploys

** :~: Concept/Product/Architecture/Code Evaluator :~: **

*As is code Run Results *
Cybersecurity scripts mentioned in the article may not execute unless a right policies/permissions are met.

*As is code Run Suggestions *

  • Specify a step that instructs to store the scripts in files with extensions (ps1, bat, sh)
  • Specify a step on How-To set the PowerShell-Execution-Policies (Get , Set, Remove) to execute cybersecurity scripts mentioned

** :~: Concept/Product/Architecture/Code Evaluator :~: **

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