DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v7

tanjent profile image

Hi there. I'm a old-timer in the development field, wrote my first IF statement in 1979, and started coding professionally in 1989.

For many years I've repeatedly evolved into being the "enabler" on my team - the guy who writes and/or builds the stuff to make everyone else's jobs easier & more efficient. From building a text-based windowing UI in C/8080 assembly (for MS-DOS), to creating HTML-generating libraries, report generators, to building and running the server platforms, that's been me. The Plumber. I get my hands in all the nasty stuff, so you don't have to.

Currently in a Gov't contracting environment, focused at the moment on DevOps - building and maintaining an OpenShift cluster and a CICD pipeline for Java & Node.js developers.