DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
tatsh profile image
Andrew Udvare

Fill out as many applications as you are comfortable with, or more. For the majority you will hear nothing back and you have to accept this. Your free time could be spent contributing to open source projects you always wanted to contribute to, even if small. Otherwise you should work on other things you are interested in, but not solely coding. You probably want to refresh/update yourself on algorithms and data structures (especially those you are not familiar with) as these may turn up in interviews.

You should only look for remote jobs if that is the kind you want. They are different from non-remote jobs and you are less likely to get them if you have never done one before. You could start by contracting on the side.

It took me about two months to find a new remote job, and I even travelled quite a bit across the country to end not getting them. Be prepared to wait.

adeelhuss94 profile image

Thanks a lot. I will look into contracting.