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Get Your GraphQL Groove On with AWS AppSync

Get Your GraphQL Groove On with AWS AppSync

Welcome to our guide on AWS AppSync! In this article, we will introduce you to the basics of AppSync and its key features, as well as provide some best practices for using the service. We will also compare AppSync to another popular AWS service, API Gateway, and explain the differences between the two. Whether you are new to AppSync or are just looking to learn more, this guide should provide you with the information you need to get started.


AWS AppSync is a fully managed serverless GraphQL service that simplifies application development by allowing developers to create flexible APIs to securely access, manipulate, and combine data from one or more data sources.

Key Features

Some of the key features of AppSync include:

  • Real-time data updates: With AppSync, you can build applications that automatically update in real-time as the data changes. This is achieved through the use of GraphQL subscriptions, which allow the client to specify a set of data fields that it wants to be notified about whenever there is a change.
  • Offline support: AppSync makes it easy to build applications that work seamlessly even when the device is offline. It does this by automatically caching data locally and synchronizing changes with the server when the device comes back online.
  • Custom resolvers: AppSync allows you to write custom resolvers in any language that runs on AWS Lambda. This means you can use AppSync to access any data source, not just those natively supported by the service.
  • Security: AppSync integrates with Amazon Cognito for secure user authentication and authorization. It also supports AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for fine-grained access control to your data sources.

Best Practices

Here are a few best practices for using AWS AppSync:

  • Use Cognito for secure user authentication and authorization: AppSync integrates with Amazon Cognito, which makes it easy to add secure authentication and authorization to your application.
  • Leverage resolver mapping templates: AppSync allows you to use resolver mapping templates to transform and manipulate data before it is returned to the client. This can be a powerful tool for optimizing performance and customizing the data that is returned.
  • Use GraphQL fragments to improve reuse and maintainability: GraphQL fragments allow you to define a set of fields that can be reused across multiple queries, mutations, and subscriptions. This can help to improve the reuse and maintainability of your GraphQL schema.
  • Use GraphQL variables to reduce the number of requests: GraphQL variables allow you to pass dynamic values to your GraphQL queries, which can help to reduce the number of requests that your client needs to make.
  • Use the AWS Amplify library to simplify development: The AWS Amplify library is a powerful tool that can help you quickly and easily build cloud-powered applications with AppSync. It provides a set of libraries, UI components, and a CLI that make it easy to add AppSync to your application.

Now, let's compare AppSync to AWS API Gateway. Both services allow you to create APIs for your applications, but there are some key differences to consider when deciding which one to use.

AWS AppSync and API Gateway

One of the main differences between the two is the type of API they support. AppSync is specifically designed for GraphQL APIs, while API Gateway can be used to create RESTful APIs. This means that if you are building a GraphQL-based application, AppSync is the natural choice. On the other hand, if you are building a traditional REST-based application, API Gateway may be a better fit.

Another difference between the two is the level of control and customization they offer. AppSync allows you to write custom resolvers and manipulate the data in any way you want, while, despite it's VTL Mapping Templates, API Gateway is more of a "black box" that takes your API request and passes it to the backend service. This means that with AppSync, you have more control over the data that is returned to the client, but it also means that you have to do more work to set it up.


There are a few, most of them partial, alternatives to AWS AppSync offered by other cloud providers:

  • Hasura: Hasura is a open-source GraphQL engine that can be used to build real-time, high-performance APIs. It is similar to AWS AWS AppSync in that it allows developers to build GraphQL-based APIs and provides real-time updates through the use of subscriptions. However, Hasura is self-hosted, while AppSync is a fully managed service offered by AWS.
  • Prisma: This is an open-source database toolkit that helps developers build scalable, high-performance APIs. It is similar to AWS AppSync in that it allows developers to build GraphQL-based APIs and provides real-time updates through the use of subscriptions. However, Prisma is focused on simplifying database management and does not offer the same level of serverless integration and managed services as AWS AppSync.
  • Google Cloud Firestore: This is a NoSQL document database that integrates with Google Cloud's serverless platform, Cloud Functions. Like AppSync, it offers real-time updates and offline support, but it is designed for use with SDKs & traditional REST APIs rather than GraphQL.
  • Azure Cosmos DB: This is a globally distributed, multi-model database service offered by Microsoft. It supports several APIs, including GraphQL, and offers real-time updates through the use of change feed notifications.
  • MongoDB Atlas: This is a serverless platform offered by MongoDB that allows you to easily build and deploy backend services for your applications. It supports GraphQL and offers real-time updates through the use of triggers.


In summary, AppSync is a great choice if you are building a GraphQL-based application and need real-time updates, offline support, and the ability to customize the data that is returned to the client. On the other hand, if you are building a traditional REST-based application and don't need as much control over the data, API Gateway may be a better fit.

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