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Enabling Application Modernization With Node.js

In the ever-evolving digital world, consumers are quickly adopting new technologies, devices, and concepts. In the “Digital Transformation Using NodeJS” report by Forrester, the company terms this particular phenomenon as ‘hyper-adoption’ or a rapid, simultaneous uptake of unprecedented behaviors. Hyperadoption induces enterprises to create new digital experiences rapidly and toss them out when consumers show no signs of adoption. Now let’s dive into NodeJS, a runtime environment for executing JavaScript.

Application Modernization With Node js

Node.js is a widely popular tool for frontend development. Several companies, application developers and delivery (AD&D) pros around the world are successfully leveraging NodeJS to digitally transform their businesses. Node.js provides three important benefits: it is enterprise-ready, it is more than just an app development platform, and it powers digital enterprise transformation. AD&D experts in enterprise-scale businesses have now come to realize the myriad benefits of adopting Node.js for their app projects —and not only from a technology perspective but also business perspective.

A Global Business Technographics Developer Survey conducted in 2016 by Forrester states that “Developers who have built applications using Node.js are 18 percent more likely to want to become a guru in the development community over those who haven’t used Node.js.” Some of the prominent Node.js benefits that enable developers and enterprises to digitize their business include:

  • NodeJS helps you develop API (application programming interfaces) that offer support for both applications and experience demands. It is an exceptional technology for both frontend and backend as well as an emerging architectural pattern that can be used for building applications that support various digital front-ends. This is because the JavaScript language synergizes on the front-end while having the ability to perform at scale on the backend.
  • The platform can be used for experimenting with new and existing enterprise data rapidly. A thin Node.js proxy layer on top of disparate systems provides app developers a direct access to information at a single federated access point on a platform that enables them to merge the data to support their unique business scenarios.
  • NodeJS helps to accelerate application modernization by allowing developers to release the data stored within the existing legacy systems by wrapping the existing features and functionalities. This lets them split the front-end and the back-ends which further enables reuse and isolation. It further allows developers to extend the reach of their applications and products to deliver highly interactive customer experiences. This is made possible by integrating the legacy data sources that weren’t initially utilized without having to rebuild the applications.
  • With NodeJS developers can build and deliver digital experiences across a wide range of platforms including web, mobile, and other device screens. A native desktop client often helps to facilitate an innovative customer experience. In addition to this, the same developers that build and innovate for desktops, web and mobile experiences can now extend to create rich native client experiences.

NodeJS facilitates innovation for connected device experiences in the near future. The framework is not only limited to request/response network transaction models but also excels at processing data streaming through IoT devices in real time.

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