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MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack: What’s the Difference?

You may be aware of the terms MEAN and MERN if you are working as a web developer. These terms denote two different JavaScript based tech stacks that can be used for application development. They both consist of four components.
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. Whereas, MEAN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js.
Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB are already quite well-known, and they all offer top-notch documentation. You won’t see any specific difference in the learning curve as far as these techs are concerned. The learning curve for Angular and React will differ, though.

How to Choose the Right Tech Stack?

But how can you decide which tech stack to pick in which scenarios? The following content might help you choose the right stack.
Before proceeding to answers, consider the below scenarios and questions:

  • What are the requirements for your project?

  • Do you want to go above and beyond the requirements of the project to attract more viewers?

  • Is your group/business qualified and experienced in this area?

  • Do you have a flexible and scalable development team?

  • What was the final development cost?
    The UI layer components are organized and rendered using the best possible code by both Angular JS and React JS. Both of them have access to a vast knowledge base of tutorials, sample scripts, and documentation. Consequently, this essay dissects the comparison into numerous variables to aid you in making a decision.

Factors to Decide Tech Stack

  • With Angular, productivity is increased. It has a "Command Line Interface" (CLI), which boosts developers' productivity even more.
    React often requires the use of additional third-party libraries, which results in comparatively reduced developer productivity.

  • In the case of Angular, the data flow is bidirectional; if the user interface changes, the model state also changes automatically.

  • React is an example of a technology where data flow is unidirectional. If you use React, you can only alter the user interface (UI) after changing the state of the model.
    MERN stack, which is merely a library, greatly simplifies UI rendering. It merely offers ways to simplify rendering.
    In contrast, Angular JS offers a well-structured framework to enable an MVC or any other mode view architecture, in which an intermediary layer separates the UI and database code. This makes code management simple and makes upgrading code a simple operation. For an enterprise-level architecture, the MEAN stack is preferred.

  • The MERN and MEAN stacks both provide top-notch security. As a result, you can select any of them. But because MERN is more scalable than MEAN, it triumphs in terms of security.

  • You can build and release a CRUD application from scratch using the MERN Stack. React offers a stunning user interface while enabling efficient processing of rapidly changing data. For a small project like a mobile app or a single-page application, MERN might be preferable.

Companies That Use MEAN Stack


Companies That Use MERN Stack

Apps Maven
Groovy Web
Phontinent Technologies
Diligence Technologies

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