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Mohammadreza Emamyari

a developer has 4 skills. Code Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening! The issue now is perceiving other dev's codes and talks. Me, as a digital Strategist can help you acquire these values.

Location Zanjan, Iran Joined Joined on  Email address Personal website


Coach/Teacher at Eshragh, Web Strategist at Teclearn, Web Master at Teclearn

Web Theory - Part 9 : the Secrets of Cross-Browser Compatibility: A Beginner’s Guide to Making Your Website Shine Everywhere

Web Theory - Part 9 : the Secrets of Cross-Browser Compatibility: A Beginner’s Guide to Making Your Website Shine Everywhere

Comments 1
5 min read

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Web Theory - Part 8 : Graceful Degradation, Soft Failure, and Fault Tolerance Explained

Web Theory - Part 8 : Graceful Degradation, Soft Failure, and Fault Tolerance Explained

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7 min read
Web Theory - Part 7 : Progressive Enhancement: a Design Philosophy to Build Your Website for Everyone!

Web Theory - Part 7 : Progressive Enhancement: a Design Philosophy to Build Your Website for Everyone!

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4 min read
Web Theory - Part 6 : BEM, The Secret Formula for Mastering CSS Organization and Clarity

Web Theory - Part 6 : BEM, The Secret Formula for Mastering CSS Organization and Clarity

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6 min read
Web Theory - Part 5 : Diving Into SMACSS , The Marvelous Methodology for Mastering CSS

Web Theory - Part 5 : Diving Into SMACSS , The Marvelous Methodology for Mastering CSS

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5 min read
Web Theory - Part 4: Understanding ITCSS: A Comprehensive Guide

Web Theory - Part 4: Understanding ITCSS: A Comprehensive Guide

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7 min read
Web Theory - Part 3 : danger! introduction to 25 types of web attacks!

Web Theory - Part 3 : danger! introduction to 25 types of web attacks!

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5 min read
Web Theory - Part 2 : The magic of CSS architectures

Web Theory - Part 2 : The magic of CSS architectures

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4 min read
Web Theory - Part 1 : The power of naming conventions

Web Theory - Part 1 : The power of naming conventions

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5 min read