DEV Community

Discussion on: Moving From Tailwind To Vanilla-er CSS

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Having to setup base styling for semantic HTML feels tedious

This is absolutely the most jarring part of Tailwind, and unfortunate that it's inherently the first thing you experience when starting with Tailwind.

I'm honestly surprised that there isn't a collection of standard styles (at least I haven't heard of any yet) that has a few baseline starters to "fix" preflight and offer a quick starting point to get some standard styling back.

mikerogers0 profile image
Mike Rogers ✈️

So much yes @terabytetiger !

When I first installed Bootstrap the first experience was "Everything looks pretty decent", but Tailwind often feels like a I'm starting from a blank slate. I think I'm in the same boat as you where I kind of expect semantic HTML to render nicely.

owenmelbz profile image
Owen Melbourne

Tailwind isn't designed to give you a "generic" base style - it wants you to create your own visuals exactly as you need them - For us this is perfect because every design we produce is unique, if we had to remove all this extra fluff added for us it would be even more of a pain.

If you need a base style - then you create your own that you can pull into future projects, or find a UI Library that does it - there's plenty that people have already created :)

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

In researching something else, I have now stumbled upon which (kind of) resolves most of my complaints here.

I wish the .prose didn't have to be added everywhere to apply it, but I guess it's better than nothing 🤷‍♂️

extrabright profile image

I agree. Utilities are great, and Tailwind took it to the next level. However, something doesn't let me go all in for that. I still prefer Bootstrap. They have introduced utility classes way back, but maybe because of a lack of proper documentation and example, people didn't know exactly what to do with them.

Because of this, I've created a project in which I included a bunch of utilities using the Bootstrap 5 API. Now you have the best from the two worlds: basic components and utility classes for faster customization. Here's a link to the docs: