DEV Community

Discussion on: Having a dev as a life partner!

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Ian Pride • Edited

TDLR; A career path is the least of my worries when it comes to a mate. Money, careers, and how much technical/work related I have in common with them is a far more trivial matter compared to one's character.

Depends on the two people in the relationship. Not all DEVS act/think the same as is the case with everybody else. I don't know if I could be married to a DEV or not; sure we'd have that in common, but there should be plenty more in life you have in common where as being a DEV is really just a small detail compared to all the other important decisions you'll be making and ways of living you'll be having in life together.

Sure it can work out great as you were stating, but that's really just the surface stuff.

And not all "DEVS" are on a career path. I've been a programmer for over 20 years and I'm a proud "STAY-AT-HOME-PARENT","House Husband", or "Home Maker" (however you want to call it). And I still "develop" for hours of the day (when I'm not busting my butt doing all else...).

And my wife knows very little about computers... so I always have new stuff to teach/show her :D.