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Cover image for Creating a Hello World Resource Type for Concourse
Stephanie Lage Frantz
Stephanie Lage Frantz

Posted on • Originally published at

Creating a Hello World Resource Type for Concourse

What is Concourse?

Concourse is an open-source continuous thing-doer.

Concourse is a CI/CD tool that is configurable with a simple YAML file.
screenshot of the pipelines

The Walkthrough


Follow the steps on to install Fly & Concourse.
If this is your first time checking out Concourse, I would highly recommend reviewing the tutorials & docs they have posted.

Exploring a basic Resource Type

You can follow along using or (fork my repo)[].

A concourse resource_type works well using a minimum of 4 files:

+-- resource
|   +-- check
|   +-- in
|   +-- out
+-- Dockerfile
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Each of the scripts are required to have the output of its execution in json appropriate format.

Let's walk thru each file at a high level and get everything set up!


The check file is going to check for new versions.

The check script we will report back a message of Hello World.

set -eu
set -o pipefail
echo '[{ "revision": "N/A",  "message": "The check script says Hello World!" }]'
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This fetches the given resource.

For the In script, let's add some metadata. This metadata will be viewable in a few places in the pipeline.

set -eu
set -o pipefail
echo '{ "version": { "revision": "N/A", "message": "The in script version message says Hello World" }, "metadata": [{ "name": "message", "value": "The in script metadata message says Hello World." }] }'

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For the Out script, let's get a little more complex. We'll be getting a variable greeting from the pipeline, and let's echo it out.
We'll be using jq to grab it from the params that get passed via the pipeline.

echo '{ "version": { "revision": "N/A", "message": "The out script version message says Hello World" }, "metadata": [{ "name": "message", "value": "The out script metadata message says Hello World." }] }'

set -e -u

exec 3>&1 # make stdout available as fd 3 for the result
exec 1>&2 # redirect all output to stderr for logging

echo "Echo says hi from the out script!" >&2


if [[ -z "$source" ]]; then
  echo "usage: $0 <path/to/source>"
  exit 1

# for jq

export TMPDIR=${TMPDIR:-/tmp/rclone}
mkdir -p "${TMPDIR}"

payload=$(mktemp "$TMPDIR/resource-request.XXXXXX")
cat > "$payload" <&0

greeting=$(jq -r '.params.greeting // ""' < "$payload")
echo "Param greeting says: $greeting" >&2
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This Dockerfile will be short and sweet.

  • Spins up a tiny Alpine Linux instance
  • Loads in bash & jq
  • Adds in our script files to the /opt/resource folder
  • Makes those files executable
  • Specifies that we will be running bash in root
FROM alpine:3.13

RUN apk add --update --upgrade --no-cache bash

RUN apk update \
    && apk upgrade \
    && apk add --update bash curl unzip jq

ADD resource/ /opt/resource/
RUN chmod +x /opt/resource/*

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]
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One last file to get it running: the pipeline yaml file

This file does not need to be in the docker - but it's inluded in my repo, so you can follow along.

Create a file called hello-pipeline.yml

- name: helloworld
  type: docker-image
    # set repo of your helloworld resource
    #repository: Your-Docker-Acct/Your-Docker-Repository
    ## or use my helloworld resource
    repository: thehandsomezebra/concourse-test

- name: helloworld
  type: helloworld

- name: hello-job
  - get: helloworld
  - put: put-helloworld
    resource: helloworld
         - helloworld
      greeting: "Hey y'all!"
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This is going to create a new pipeline called hello-job that will get the in and put the out.

Get it running

Following the steps above, create a github repo (or fork mine) & create a docker hub repo. It's fast to connect your github repo to docker and even set it up to autobuild (learn more about that here)).

Once your repo is ready in Docker Hub, let's start the concourse pipeline by using this line

Let's start the hello-world pipeline!
Run the following in your terminal.

fly -t ci set-pipeline -c hello-pipeline.yml -p hello-world
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ci will be the name of your target (if you followed a the tutorial, it might be named tutorial or example)

If we look at the pipeline diagram, we can also see the result of the check step in the box with the dashed lines (dependency - trigger).

screenshot showing the pipeline diagram

Checking our job, we can see our messages in each of the stages.

screenshot showing each of the stages in the job

There's a lot you can do creating your own resource types for concourse - be sure to check out the Resource Types catalog, contribute to the community and get assistance (or lurk thru questions that have been already answered) in Discord in the #resource-types channel.

Note: I'm not affiliated with Concourse - I am just a nerd that is fascinated by the continuous thing-doer continuously doing things.


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