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Thomas Ledoux
Thomas Ledoux

Posted on • Originally published at

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Setting up authentication in Astro with Prisma and Planetscale

I've been wanting to add authentication to my personal website for a while now to see how it works in Astro.
With Prisma and PlanetScale already running for comments on my blogs, I decided to store my account information in PlanetScale.
Because it's just used for my own account, and I'm not storing any other sensitive information in my database, I decided to store the credentials in plain text for now.
I changed my Prisma schema to make this possible:

// schema.prisma

model Account {
  id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
  username String @unique
  password String
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Once the model is updated in the code, running npx prisma db push propagates the changes to PlanetScale, so the schema is updated in the actual database.

I used an existing package called @astro-auth to handle all the authentication on my site.
For this to work, I needed to add 2 environment variables to my application: ASTROAUTH_URL (the URL my site is hosted on) and ASTROAUTH_SECRET (a self chosen secret key).

Because I stored the credentials in PlanetScale, I needed to use the CredentialProvider to enable logging in with username and password.
There are many other providers available on @astro-auth, go check out the package if you're interested.
The code needed to set this up with @astro-auth looks like this:

// /pages/api/auth/[...astroauth].ts

import AstroAuth from '@astro-auth/core';
import { CredentialProvider } from '@astro-auth/providers';
import { prisma } from '../../../lib/prisma';

export const all = AstroAuth({
  authProviders: [
      authorize: async properties => {
        const account = await prisma?.account.findFirst({
          where: {
            username: properties.username,
            AND: {
              password: properties.password,
          select: {
            id: true,
        if (account?.id) {
          return properties.username;
        return null;
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Creating a login page was very easy.
I just created a form, calling the signIn() method from @astro-auth on submit, and BOOM: logged in!
The code for the login page:

// /pages/login.astro

      import { signIn } from '@astro-auth/client';

      document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
        document.querySelector('form')?.addEventListener('submit', async e => {
          const form =;
          if (form) {
            const formData = new FormData(form as HTMLFormElement);
            const data = Object.fromEntries(formData);
            await signIn({
              provider: 'credential',
              login: data,
            window.location.href = '/';
      <label for="username">Name</label>
      <input type="text" name="username" />

      <label for="password">Password</label>
      <input type="password" name="password" />

      <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
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After submitting the form, the user's signed in and is redirected to the homepage.
Protecting a page with authentication is easy, just checking the logged in user with the getUser() function from @astro-auth.
Here's an example of a page where I used this check:

// /pages/comment-overview.astro

import { getUser } from '@astro-auth/core';
import Layout from '../layouts/Layout.astro';
import { prisma } from '../lib/prisma';
import CommentsOverviewWrapper from '../components/CommentOverviewWrapper';
const user = getUser({ client: Astro });
if (!user) {
  return Astro.redirect('/', 307);
const commentsWithPost = await prisma?.comment.findMany({
  include: {
    post: {
      select: {
        url: true,

  description="Overview of comments"
  title="Thomas Ledoux | Comment overview"
  <CommentsOverviewWrapper commentsWithPost={commentsWithPost} client:load />
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If the user is not logged in, the user will be redirected to the homepage with a 307 status code.
I also have an API route to delete comments on my blog posts, which I want to fence off so only authenticated user can use this API.
It's possible to use the getUser() function from @astro-auth for this too, but this time we're going to pass the request instead of the Astro object.
Example of using this code:

// /pages/api/comments.ts

export const del: APIRoute = async ({ request }) => {
  const user = getUser({ server: request });
  if (user) {
    const body = await request.json();
    const deleteComment = await prisma?.comment.delete({
      where: {
    return new Response(
        message: `Comment with id ${deleteComment?.id} deleted`,
      { status: 200 }
  return new Response(null, { status: 403 });
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So when the user is not authenticated, a 403 response will be returned.

Hope this was helpful!
Source code can be found on my Github as always.

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