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[Comment from a deleted post]
tiffs profile image
Tiffany Rossi

Language: Python
Level: Beginner
Size: Small

Let's see if there are any ideas for this newbie to practice :D

kbono profile image
Jose Manuel Viloria

I know I'm not the OP, but you could give Processing for Python a shot and make a "Catch the fruit" game, nothing too complex, as soon as a form collides with other, increase a counter and that's it.

There's a bunch of information about Processing and how to use it with Python, I've also read that you have a hard time with math but enjoyed Geometry, so there's a mixture of that in this problem.

Enjoy! :)

tiffs profile image
Tiffany Rossi

I love it! Work is killing me for the past week, but I'll give it a go whenever I'm free. Also, thanks for caring enough to look into my profile and give me an idea based on what I like! :)

kbono profile image
Jose Manuel Viloria

Anytime. Se quiser, eu poderia ser uma especie de mentor uma vez por semana.
Stay positive!

tiffs profile image
Tiffany Rossi

opa, eu adoraria! vamos conversar :)