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Discussion on: Bye Bye Heroku

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Tech Tim (@TechTim42) • Edited

There are a few quite good heroku alternatives.

For self hosted options

In my own experience, I used heroku before, even applied a paid dyno when I was a student,


later I switched to caprover, which I realised for most of small individual, low-traffic apps, it is much cheaper to use one single AWS Cheap EC2 instance.

switch to k8s
After that, credits oracle cloud free tier, I built a free k8s cluster on Oracle cloud, it is basically one time for all, the hard part is basically the initialising part, after initialising, it is quite easy for app deployment and management. simply do kubectl apply -f infra-deploy.yaml

Oracle Free tier offer up to 4 free ARM instance (32GB Ram), and 2 AMD instances

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Tech Tim (@TechTim42)

I made an article to talk about dokku, caprover and self host alternatives.