DEV Community

Discussion on: Hacktoberfest Completion Thread

timrodz profile image
Juan Alejandro Morais

It's October 1 in my timezone so I have about 5 PRs ready to be hopefully accepted. πŸ˜„ One of them is to!

I'm really excited to be working with different code bases (including languages I've never tried before) this time! I must admit I'm having a blast πŸš€!

thefern profile image
Fernando B πŸš€

As long as they are submitted they don't have to be accepted. As long as they are not reported as spam PRs, you're good.

Obviously we want our work to be merged. Last year one of my 4prs just sat there sadly, guess the maintainer abandoned the repo.

timrodz profile image
Juan Alejandro Morais

Oh okay, thanks for explaining that Fernando!

I actually went ahead and made a few more PRs 😊 hopefully all of them will be merged πŸ•ΊπŸ½