This blog is mainly just to keep me at my projects. I find writing about them helps keep my motivation up and its also nice looking back on work done.
I've played with game dev off and on over the years, one of my first large projects was a kind of space invaders clone done in Java without an engine. I never finished, I got more interested in the engine-making than the actual game.
After that I toyed around with various game-dev topics over the years like collision detection, space partitioning, rendering, path finding.
I started to learn Unity during the Covid lockdowns, it took a while to get the hang of how everything worked. I ran through several tutorials but it felt unintuitive and awkward. I made a basic top down shooter and a sort of anti-aircraft gun game before my interest waned.
I dabbled a little bit after, I tried making a card game and a civ-like game. The first one fizzled due to poor game-design, the second got snarled up by bad code-planning.
And then theres now. I made another terrible, top-down shooter. This was mainly just to orientate myself again and work out how to write a complete game loop. I've then dipped my toes into post processing and particles systems.
My plan is to create a series of games and spend about 10-15 hours on each. I'd like to explore different parts of unity and different genres.
The first is yet another top-down shooter but i'd like this one to be a bit more polished and complete then it's predecessors.
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