DEV Community

Discussion on: How can I run natively 'Big Commerce Stencil CLI' on Apple Silicon M1 Chip

tmcvee profile image

Hey Caglar, thanks for the post. I tried walking through these steps on my m1 mac however, I'm still getting an errror when I run stencil start..

Error during css compilation by the primary engine:
Error: Top-level selectors may not contain the parent selector "&".
20 │ &::placeholder { /* Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari 10.1+ */
   │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  dh-custom/dh-global.scss 20:1  @import
  dh-custom/dh-theme.scss 8:9    @import
  stdin 94:9                     root stylesheet
Will retry with a fallback engine
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Do you have any thoughts on what might be causing this? The same project opens fine on my older macbooks.

caglaroptimum7 profile image

Hi T-McVee, sorry for late response.
You should try this:

and complile your project witk node-sass