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Discussion on: Is Angular still relevant in 2022?

tomaszs2 profile image
Tom Smykowski

It is a great starting point for you to learn more about Facebook stack.

What makes it harder for you to set up Angular project compared to React?

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knitesh profile image
Kumar Nitesh

Learning Typescript, using angular specific way of doing things. As a new JS developer I just want to add script tag including any JS library that I want to use and start writing code.

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talr98 profile image
Tal Rofe • Edited

The fact Facebook and more organizations use React over Angular in big projects doesn't really prove something. I work in big company, and one of the product I'm working on is implemented in React.

As this product founded, the reason for picking React wasn't really serious in aspects of scale. They just chose.
Sometimes, project's environment is being chosen just because the "founders" are in rush, or they just know React so they say "No time to learn the Angular framework now. We know React - let's go"

I would use Angular for high-scales project and ones that may grow because Angular supports out of the box the IoC concept.

Also you get the dependency injection (services) option over Redux - which I prefer.

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knitesh profile image
Kumar Nitesh

Ok, good for you.

tomaszs2 profile image
Tom Smykowski

Thanks for sharing. It lines up with the thing that React is jQuery+. Nothing wrong about it, among other for reasons you wrote. The thing is that Typescript and some other standards are already set up in Angular. While to reach the same level of framework setup with React takes a lot more time and effort. Also, not always worth it. For example Typescript's negative perception comes directly from React's and Redux failure to recognize OOP. They make people hate TS