DEV Community

Tony Metzidis
Tony Metzidis

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Being Scientific with Gists : The Sharable Laboratory

Next time you create a post with code snippets--like here on or stackoverflow--consider sharing a working and buildable gist along with it. By doing so, others can clone, reproduce your results, and commit new variants much more easily.

With the process below, your gist becomes a sharable laboratory. Since the gist contains all of the code variants and test cases, any team member can create a variant and run the tests against all existing variants.

In the examples below, we were discussing performance differences between short Perl & Golang snippets, presumably doing the same thing. The original variant had Perl code which was 90% faster. We were later able to make the go code faster through the experiment process.

I saved the original into a gist, so I could make my changes and share the history easily without having to translate back into markdown.

(this assumes you use gists, but if you're new to gists, here's the basics:
Creating Gists )

Obtaining the Remote

Once the gist is created


Clone as you would any remote

git clone

Tagging the Test Variants

If you want to be meticulous, add tags for each variant

In this case the original version is v-control and the change I made added IO buffering among other things

git tag v-control 2172
git tag v-buffering aaa9320

This way anyone can check out any variant--e.g with git checkout v-control--and your experiment precisely on their environment.

Running Your Tests

Now the tests are in the repo, so anyone can run the tests with a simple clone and run sh


I love this example because it's a trivial workflow change that encourages collaboration and reproducible results--both important values on teams that I manage.

Are there creative & non-obvious ways you're using common tools? Share in the comments.

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