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How to create software in 7 easy steps?

This is a translation made from my blog with TARDIS. Ah late. Yes the little blue cabin, small on the outside and big on the inside. from Dr Who.

How to create software in 7 easy steps?

A question often overlooked by most developers.

However, understanding the process the software must go through before reaching the customer is very important.

This will allow you to create unforgettable software. A bit like Word, Excel and PowerPoint!

In this article, I'm going to show you the 7 easy steps used by professionals.

I also use the 7 steps in creating software for my clients.

Software that can be used in a restaurant, school, bank, state institution, or elsewhere. Huh, not bad!

I will go into the technique of creating the software to discover its hidden side.

In the context of software engineering, the creation of software involves:

1ʳᵉ Feasibility (Preliminary study)

At the start you have a problem to solve or a goal to achieve.

You study the feasibility of the project, its technical constraints (cost, time, quality) and the possible alternatives.

Finally, you decide YES (the project will be carried out) or NO (the project is abandoned)

2ᵉ The specification (Specify)

You're in front of a client who has an idea of ​​what he wants.

He knows his requirements, desire, needs and others regarding the system to solve the problem.

You describe what the software should do (black box behavior).

You also describe how to check in the black box that the software does what is required.

Finally, You obtain the software specifications (or software specification), validation procedures, the Provisional version of the user and operating manuals for the software.

3ᵉ The design (Design)

Starting from a specification, you organize the software so that it can meet the requirements of the specification.

You make the main technical choices to meet the requirements of the specification.

Finally, you get a description of the design decisions.

You also get test procedures that verify that design decisions are properly implemented in source code and that they help meet the requirements of the specification.

4ᵉ Implementation (Code and test)

Based on your specification and your design.

You write the software source code.

You test the behavior of the source code to verify that it fulfills the responsibilities allocated to it.

Finally, you produce, the source code, the unit tests and the documentation.

5ᵉ Integration (integrate)

Based on your design, your source code and your integration tests.

You assemble the source code of your software partially.

You run the integration tests.

Finally, you have an integration test report.

6ᵉ Validation (validate)

You just produced fully executable software.

You want to do validation tests.

You run the validation tests on the complete executable software.

Finally, you get the validation test report.

7ᵉ Maintenance (Maintain)

You have software that works and you want to maintain it.

There are several types of maintenance, namely:

_1ʳᵉ Corrective (or curative): _ correction of bugs to have a corrected software.

_2ᵉ Adaptive: _ Adjust the software in relation to the version of the operating system, hardware to support simultaneously, performance problems to have updated software.

_3ᵉ Perfective, extension (or scalable): _ Increase / improve the possibilities of the software


To get to make a good computer software, it is necessary to go through several stages of which the result of each stage constitutes an initiating element of the next.

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