DEV Community

Travis Campbell
Travis Campbell

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Coding the infrastructure

A New Sense of Direction

We've finally managed to get our tech stacks implemented. Although not complete and now needing changes, we got it put together. However the thing is, we discovered that the best way to achieve our app would be to transition from the offline mobile application to a web app that is dynamic and mobile friendly. As such the stack does need to change. But we have a good idea where it should go from here as well.

Still have a ways to go, but now we have an even better understanding as to the path we should go. Along with that, we have a good idea for the milestones we want to prioritize.

Key Moments of the Apprenticeship so Far

It's difficult to just be constantly researching or trying to learn things rather than actually doing things. So getting the opportunity to do some code to set up the project was so refreshing. Seeing it output a simple "Hello, World" with no errors for the dependencies and packages was such a great moment. And then connecting it to our database to output our tables? That was amazing as well. Even with such small steps and small outcomes, it's easy to forget how important they are and the importance to celebrate every victory you can, regardless of how small they are.
Victory Screen

With those moments, every time I was approaching them, it was difficult and somewhat stressful or overwhelming in that I didn't know what to do or how to do it. But once I got through it, it was incredibly relieving and helped give so much insight on what to do and how to do it.

Not Much to Add

Sorry for the shorter blog, as over the last week not much has happened it feels like, my time at my host company is still very open due to not being on a project and other than that it's still very foundational. But I'm eager to get into everything.

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