DEV Community

Discussion on: Marko for Sites, Solid for Apps

trusktr profile image
Joe Pea

What we need is a lib or framework that does SPA or MPA all in one. There are cases when we need client-side routing, and cases when we don't, etc, but the average dev would rather not have to switch frameworks just to change those semantics.

Which system gets us closest to having the choice in all four sectors of that graph, with resumable hydration in every case? I think that's where we're going.

redbar0n profile image

Qwik (City) is the one. As you prefaced by mentioning resumability ;-)

trusktr profile image
Joe Pea

Sounds interesting. I don't see the docs mention this though. Can you explain? How do we choose when a route is client side or full-page refresh?

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redbar0n profile image

The FAQ explains a bit, just search for SPA and MPA there:

Qwik City apps basically do a full page refresh for every link (MPA style), unless you use their Link component (in which case it does a client side SPA style navigation).

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ryansolid profile image
Ryan Carniato • Edited

I think there is a more interesting tension. Should be trying to mix SPA and MPA in the same app. This is essentially SvelteKit or Qwik's approach is. What Rich Harris called Transitional Apps. Or should be working on something that has the best aspects of both like I talk about here: