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Anya Brun
Anya Brun

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Advice I’d give my younger self

These are things I wish someone had told me 2 years ago, when I started learning how to code in earnest…

Start learning data structures and algorithms as early as possible, not right after bootcamp when you have to get ready for interviews.

Not only do many (if not most) interviewers ask DSA questions, but practicing data structures and algorithms will help you learn to think like a programmer and fast-track your ability to build and debug useful software.

The resources I’m using are Leetcode, Crack the Coding Interview, the BaseCS podcast (I listen on Spotify), as well as the CS50 and MIT Courseware lectures.

Some alternatives are HackerRank, AlgoExpert, The Imposter’s Handbook, and the numerous videos and lectures on DSAs available on Youtube.

Build projects that solve real-world problems.

It might be easy to think that what you build doesn’t necessarily matter, as long as it demonstrates your skills or shows that you learned something. However, an interviewer doesn’t just want to know that you can code. They want to know whether you can write code that fills their needs.

This is where coming into tech from a different career—like teaching or marketing, for example—comes in handy. Your background gives you insight into real-world problems within your industry that an application (your application) can solve.

It also helps to build clones of popular types of applications. If you’re a web developer, for example, you can code a clone of an online store like Etsy.

Another bonus is that having a robust project allows you to take the lead in an interview. If you show the interviewer your project and it’s something that catches their attention, then they’ll start asking you questions—questions you can answer confidently and competently because you (hopefully) know the ins and outs of your project after working on it so diligently.

Apply for internships during bootcamp, if your schedule allows.

This point is especially relevant if you’ve been practicing data structures and algorithms early on. CS students in traditional universities don’t wait until they graduate to apply for internships. In fact, many apply within their freshman or sophomore years.

Likewise, don’t wait until you’ve graduated your bootcamp to apply for an internship. An internship will help you gain relevant experience to put on your resume that can shorten your timeline for getting a job after you graduate. There are several companies that offer internships to candidates from non-traditional backgrounds, so don’t worry about needing a CS degree.

On that note, make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to par.

It’s key that your profile has a picture and links to your Github, personal website, and your dev blog. Update your profiles and portfolio with projects that you build as you’re learning.

Start blogging as early as possible…

…Even if it’s not about anything deeply technical. Just chronicle your journey of learning how to code.

It will help you sharpen your written communication (a key soft-skill, especially in the age of remote work) and allow you to build a professional presence and community online. People may even reach out to you for opportunities if they like your work.

Take advantage of the community.

Reach out to people on LinkedIn who have a similar professional background as you or who are in the roles you want to be in. Ask for informational interviews or offer to buy them a coffee and chat about what it’s like to be in the industry.

Doing so will get you talking about code and making professional connections (i.e., networking) that will serve you well in your future job search.

Consistency is key - slow down if you need to and ask for help!

Don’t stress out if you can’t dedicate 10 hrs a day to coding. Even if all you can do is work on a project for 1 hour, it counts. Each hour is another cobblestone on the path to becoming a software developer. You’ll get there eventually—if you don’t burn yourself out.

Also, please don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Leave comments on blog posts about concepts you’re struggling with and post questions to Stack Overflow. People in general are really nice and more than willing to help you out.

No programmer is an island; whether or not you identify as self-taught, no one can learn how to code alone.

Hopefully these insights can help you avoid some of the mistakes I made in the 2 years since I’ve been learning to code. If you have any experiences or recommendations, feel free to share them in the comments.

The more we share, the easier it gets for the next batch of self-taught and bootcamp developers to navigate the often difficult and confusing process of becoming a software engineer.

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