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Building a flat website with ASP.NET Core

James Turner on February 22, 2019

As of last night, I launched the website for BrandVantage, my product I am building. I'm pretty proud of the site, I designed and built it myself a...
krishnansriram profile image
Krishnan Sriram

Landing page is fantastic. I've been building solutions with React, Node & Golang for web. I see you took 1 to 2 weeks for development, which is around the same time I'd take to build it with React/Angular app. May be I should start putting sometime on ASP.NET core web app. I'm impressed with .NET core web API. In the process of moving some of my NodeJS into .NET core for type safety and easy of code sharing. Thanks for the article. Any idea on where/how to get started with ASP.NET core web app?

turnerj profile image
James Turner

Thanks! Since writing this post, I've actually moved from a flat/static website to a full ASP.NET Core site running Razor Pages but the UI is basically the same as I originally had it.

The more people working on .NET the better in my opinion - I think it is a great platform to build on with lots of resources available.

Microsoft has an extremely short walk through of getting the basics up an running:
It uses Razor Pages (my preferred technology for ASP.NET Core sites compared to more traditional MVC). There is a great site for Razor Pages information which I've referenced a lot in working on Razor Pages:
Further tutorials for Razor Pages here:

Once you want to start dabbling in more custom configuration of the site, the series of docs here would help:

Finally, the same site has docs about database access and security/authentication. With that, you'll have a solid foundation in ASP.NET Core.

krishnansriram profile image
Krishnan Sriram

Would you not go Blazor route, as opposed to Razor. From the little I read, Blazor includes Razor, but has more too. Any thoughts?

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turnerj profile image
James Turner • Edited

Blazor is a very interesting technology though personally, I'm not yet moving towards it. My ideal scenario with something like Blazor is having it do client-side validation where I'd normally have JavaScript and have normal Razor Pages behind it. (Basically for me, I don't want Blazor per-se but I want client-side C#)

Currently with Blazor, it seems the idea isn't to gel with Razor Pages but be its own thing. There is a server-side component and a client-side component (WASM). The server-side one seems strange to me (to be honest) but is currently available for use. The client-side one is still under development as far as I know.

I'd say it is definitely worth knowing more about and keeping an eye on. If you like working on cutting edge, definitely mess around with it.

EDIT: To clarify something - so Blazor uses Razor but itself is its own thing. Razor is the syntax. When I say Razor Pages, that is its own thing that also uses Razor syntax.

benjiboy13 profile image
Benjamin Gil Flores

I must say you have pretty nice looking landing pages there, congrats on that!, putting that aside it looks very interesting the way you create your projects, you intrigue me to investigate more about the ASP.NET Core and trust me if i had time i would start learning that but as it right know i have a couple of important projects in development with REACT Js that i need to finish.

turnerj profile image
James Turner

It is a bit like that isn't it - finding time to do all the different things we want to do. Glad you found this interesting 🙂

eekayonline profile image
Edwin Klesman

Nice read and interesting setup. Going to check this out for myself. I'm more into product development and simple pages I click together with services like but I like this. For fast performing websites that need fast loading this is very nice 🙌🏻👌🏻

jacksonelfers profile image
Jackson Elfers

Really well designed page. When I'm dealing with static sites I put them in S3 buckets, or on github pages.

turnerj profile image
James Turner

Thanks! I'm really happy with how it turned out 🙂

Github was the first direction I was going to go for my personal sites but I changed my mind when I was looking at solutions for my business. My product code use to be hosted on Bitbucket but was to be deployed to Azure. Azure DevOps seemed like the best solution in terms of integration between my code and Azure.

Rather than maintain two separate processes for managing my personal site, my company site and my product's site, I decided to just roll it all the exact same way.