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Laravel 10|9 Enable & Get Query Log Tutorial

Laravel 10|9 Enable & Get Query Log Tutorial

The getQueryLog() method in Laravel allows you to retrieve database queries that were executed during a request. This can be useful for debugging and analyzing SQL queries.

To get the query log, you can use the DB::enableQueryLog() method to enable the query log. This method stores all executed queries in the cache. Then, you can use the DB::getQueryLog() method to access the queries.

You can also log queries by registering a query listener using the DB::listen method. This method can be used in the boot method of an AppServiceProvider class.

Logging queries can help you debug issues such as:

  • Users not getting the expected output
  • The application getting a slow response from the database server
  • Not getting any output because something is wrong with the query

Laravel logging is based on "channels". Each channel represents a specific way of writing log information. For example, the single channel writes log files to a single log file, while the slack channel sends log messages to Slack.

Read More Laravel 10|9 Enable & Get Query Log Tutorial

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