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Understanding DynamicData in .NET: Reactive Data Management Made Easy


In the realm of .NET development, managing collections and their changes can be a challenging task, especially in applications with complex data flows and user interfaces. This is where DynamicData, a library in the .NET ecosystem, comes into play. It simplifies reactive data management, making it easier for developers to handle complex data operations with ease. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of DynamicData, its core concepts, and practical applications.

What is DynamicData?

DynamicData is a .NET library that brings the power of reactive programming to collections. It is built upon the principles of Reactive Extensions (Rx), extending these concepts to handle collections like lists and observables more efficiently and flexibly. DynamicData provides a set of tools and extensions that enable developers to manage collections reactively, meaning any changes in the data are automatically and efficiently propagated through the application.

Key Features of DynamicData

DynamicData offers a wide range of features and capabilities to simplify reactive data management:

  • Observables for Data: DynamicData is built on reactive principles, which means it provides observables that emit changes to data collections. These observables can be easily subscribed to, enabling you to react to changes in your data.
  • Automatic Data Operations: It handles common data operations like filtering, sorting, grouping, and aggregation, reducing the need for boilerplate code.
  • UI Binding Support: DynamicData integrates seamlessly with UI frameworks like WPF, Xamarin, and others, facilitating the binding of collections to UI elements.
  • Thread Safety: The library ensures thread-safe operations, making it suitable for applications with complex multi-threading requirements.
  • Efficient Data Processing: DynamicData optimizes data processing, ensuring high performance even with large and complex datasets.
  • Caching and Memorization: DynamicData includes in-memory caching and memorization capabilities, which help reduce the need to fetch or calculate data repeatedly. This can significantly improve the performance of your application.
  • Change Tracking: The library allows you to track changes (adds, updates, and removes) to your data collections. This is invaluable when you need to know what has changed in your data, such as for updating a UI or managing real-time updates.
  • Dynamic Update Chains: You can chain together multiple operations on your data collections in a fluid and dynamic manner. This allows you to create complex sequences of data manipulations with ease.
  • Memory Management: DynamicData is designed with memory management in mind. It offers features for limiting memory usage when working with large data sets.

Deep Dive into Reactive Extensions (Rx)

Leveraging Rx with DynamicData

In the realm of modern .NET application development, handling asynchronous data streams and managing state changes responsively remain critical challenges. Reactive Extensions (Rx), with its powerful abstraction of asynchronous data streams through observables, revolutionizes how developers approach these tasks. However, when applying the reactive paradigm to collections, Rx alone can sometimes fall short. This is where DynamicData comes into play, elegantly bridging the gap between reactive programming and dynamic data collection management.

Understanding Reactive Extensions (Rx)

Before diving into how DynamicData leverages Rx, it's essential to grasp the basics of Rx itself. Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library that composes asynchronous and event-driven programs using observable sequences. It offers a rich vocabulary for creating, combining, filtering, and transforming observable sequences. At its core, Rx introduces two primary concepts: observables and observers. Observables emit data or event notifications over time, to which observers subscribe, reacting to each emitted item.

IObservable<int> numberSequence = Observable.Range(1, 10);
numberSequence.Subscribe(number => Console.WriteLine(number));
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This Rx example creates an observable sequence of numbers from 1 to 10. A subscriber then listens to this sequence, printing each number to the console as received.

DynamicData: Extending Rx for Dynamic Collections

DynamicData takes the foundational principles of Rx and extends them to the domain of DynamicData collections. It provides a suite of tools and abstractions for creating, managing, and consuming collections that reactively change over time. With DynamicData, collections become observable sources that not only emit items but also notify subscribers about changes to the collection itself—such as additions, removals, and updates.

var sourceList = new SourceList<int>();
          .Subscribe(changes => {
              foreach (var change in changes)
                  Console.WriteLine($"Change: {change}");

sourceList.AddRange(new[] {1, 2, 3});
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In this DynamicData example, a SourceList<T> is created as a dynamic data source. By calling .Connect(), an observable is obtained that emits notifications whenever the list changes. Subscribing to this observable allows us to react to additions and removals, with the subscriber printing each change to the console.

Synergy Between Rx and DynamicData

The true power of DynamicData lies in its integration with the Reactive Extensions. By treating collections as observables, DynamicData allows for the application of Rx's query operators directly to dynamic data sources. This synergy enables complex data manipulation and transformation scenarios to be expressed cleanly and succinctly.
For example, by combining Rx operators with DynamicData's observables, one can easily implement real-time filtering, sorting, and grouping of data in response to user input or other external events. This makes it incredibly powerful for developing applications with complex, data-driven UIs that need to reflect changes to underlying data in real time.

          .Filter(item => item % 2 == 0)
          .Subscribe(evenNumbers => {
              Console.WriteLine("Even numbers:");
              foreach (var number in evenNumbers) Console.WriteLine(number);

sourceList.AddRange(new[] {4, 5, 6});
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This extended example filters the sourceList to only include even numbers, demonstrating how DynamicData and Rx operators can be chained together to perform more complex data processing tasks reactively.

Rx Operators in DynamicData

DynamicData brings the reactive paradigm to collection management in .NET, seamlessly integrating with Reactive Extensions (Rx) to offer a potent suite of tools for data manipulation. The use of Rx operators with DynamicData collections allows developers to perform complex queries, transformations, and aggregations in a declarative and expressive manner. This section explores how Rx operators can be applied to enhance the capabilities of DynamicData, making it easier to manage dynamic data flows within applications.

The Power of Rx Operators

Rx operators are the building blocks of reactive programming in Rx, enabling sophisticated data stream transformations and manipulations. These operators can filter, select, combine, and perform many other operations on sequences of data. When applied to DynamicData's reactive collections, these operators unlock new possibilities for real-time data processing and UI updates.

Applying Rx Operators to DynamicData Collections

Consider a scenario where we have a SourceList<T> of stock prices, and we want to filter this list to show only those stocks that have a price greater than $100. Additionally, we want to transform the resulting list into a format suitable for display in a UI.

var stockPrices = new SourceList<Stock>();
    .Filter(stock => stock.Price > 100)
    .Transform(stock => $"{stock.Name}: ${stock.Price}")
    .Subscribe(filteredStocks => {
        Console.WriteLine("High-value stocks:");
        foreach (var stock in filteredStocks) Console.WriteLine(stock);

stockPrices.AddRange(new[] {
    new Stock("AAPL", 120),
    new Stock("GOOGL", 90),
    new Stock("MSFT", 110)
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In this example, Filter is used to observe only those stocks with a price above $100, and Transform is applied to convert the stock data into a string format. This combination of Rx operators allows us to easily manipulate and consume the data in a way that's suitable for real-time UI updates.

DynamicData and Rx: A Synergistic Approach

The integration of Rx operators with DynamicData collections is a testament to the library's flexibility and power. By leveraging Rx's extensive set of operators, developers can perform a wide range of data manipulation tasks on dynamic collections, from simple filtering and transformation to more complex operations like time-based throttling (Throttle), batching (Buffer), and combining multiple data sources (Merge, CombineLatest).
Consider a more advanced example, where we want to combine stock price updates from two different sources and throttle the updates to avoid overwhelming the UI:

var source1 = new SourceList<Stock>();
var source2 = new SourceList<Stock>();

    .Transform(stock => $"{stock.Name}: ${stock.Price}")
    .Subscribe(throttledUpdates => {
        Console.WriteLine("Throttled stock price updates:");
        foreach (var update in throttledUpdates) Console.WriteLine(update);

source1.Add(new Stock("AAPL", 120));
source2.Add(new Stock("MSFT", 110));
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In this example, Merge combines updates from two stock price sources, and Throttle ensures that updates are processed at most once per second. This demonstrates how DynamicData, in conjunction with Rx operators, can be used to efficiently manage real-time data streams in a performant manner.

Advanced-Data Manipulation Techniques with DynamicData

DynamicData is not just about simplifying the observation and manipulation of dynamic collections; it's also about offering a rich set of tools for performing advanced data manipulation techniques. These capabilities enable developers to tackle complex data processing tasks, such as aggregating, combining, and dynamically updating data streams with ease. In this section, we delve into some of the advanced techniques that can be utilized within the DynamicData library, illustrating their power and flexibility through practical examples.

Transforming and Aggregating Data

One of the key strengths of DynamicData is its ability to transform and aggregate data dynamically. The Transform operator allows developers to apply a transformation function to each item in a collection, effectively projecting each item into a new form. When combined with aggregation operators like Count, Sum, or Group, this enables powerful data shaping and summarization capabilities.

var sourceList = new SourceList<Employee>();
    .Transform(employee => new { employee.Name, employee.Department })
    .Group(employee => employee.Department)
    .Subscribe(groups => {
        foreach (var group in groups)
            Console.WriteLine($"Department: {group.Key}, Employees: {group.List.Count}");
            foreach (var employee in group.List)
                Console.WriteLine($" - {employee.Name}");

    new Employee("Jane Doe", "IT"),
    new Employee("John Smith", "HR"),
    new Employee("Anne Brown", "IT")
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In this example, employees are first transformed to include only their name and department. Then, they are grouped by department, showcasing how to aggregate data into meaningful groups for further processing or display.

Dynamic Data Combination

Combining data from multiple sources is another area where DynamicData excels. The library provides several operators for this purpose, such as Merge, CombineLatest, and Zip, each serving different use cases for data combination.
For instance, CombineLatest can be used when you need to combine items from multiple sources and want the latest value from each source whenever any source emits an item:

var source1 = new SourceList<int>();
var source2 = new SourceList<int>();

    .Subscribe(combination => {
        Console.WriteLine($"Latest Combination: {combination.Item1}, {combination.Item2}");

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This code results in the combination of the latest items from both sources being printed each time either source emits an item, demonstrating a dynamic way to work with multiple data streams.

Reacting to Property Changes

Advanced data manipulation in DynamicData isn't limited to just dealing with collections. The AutoRefresh operator allows developers to automatically trigger updates when a property of an object within a collection changes. This is particularly useful for UI scenarios where the interface needs to respond to changes in data models.

var sourceList = new SourceList<Product>();
    .AutoRefresh(product => product.Price)
    .Filter(product => product.Price > 100)
    .Subscribe(filtered => {
        Console.WriteLine("Products with price > $100:");
        foreach (var product in filtered) Console.WriteLine($"{product.Name} - ${product.Price}");

var product = new Product("Laptop", 90);
product.Price = 150; // Triggers AutoRefresh and subsequently the Filter operator.
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In this example, the AutoRefresh operator listens for changes to the Price property. When the price of a product changes in such a way that it meets the filter criteria, the subscriber is notified, allowing the application to react in real time to changes in the underlying data.

Performance Optimization and Best Practices with DynamicData

Efficient data management is critical to the performance and scalability of .NET applications, especially those dealing with large datasets or requiring real-time responsiveness. DynamicData, with its rich set of functionalities for managing dynamic collections, offers numerous opportunities for performance optimization. However, to fully leverage these capabilities, developers must be mindful of best practices and common pitfalls. This section outlines key strategies for optimizing DynamicData usage, ensuring applications remain performant and responsive.

Efficient Subscription Management

DynamicData's reactive nature revolves around the concept of subscriptions, where consumers subscribe to data sources to react to changes. While powerful, improper management of subscriptions can lead to memory leaks and performance degradation.

  • Dispose of Subscriptions Properly: Always ensure that subscriptions are disposed of when no longer needed. Utilizing the DisposeWith extension method can simplify this process by tying the lifecycle of subscriptions to a CompositeDisposable, which can be disposed of in one go.
var disposables = new CompositeDisposable();
    .Transform(item => TransformItem(item))
    .Subscribe(transformed => HandleTransformed(transformed))

// When done, dispose of all subscriptions at once
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  • Use WhenPropertyChanged for Fine-Grained Property Observations: Instead of subscribing to the entire object for changes, use WhenPropertyChanged to observe changes on specific properties, reducing unnecessary notifications.

Data Processing Optimization

DynamicData offers a plethora of operators for querying and manipulating data streams. Efficient use of these operators can significantly impact application performance.

  • Defer Data Processing: Use the Defer and DeferUntilLoaded operators to postpone processing until a collection is fully populated or a significant change occurs. This reduces the overhead of processing each item individually during bulk updates.
    .Subscribe(changeSet => ProcessChangeSet(changeSet));
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  • Minimize UI Updates: Throttle updates to the UI to prevent overwhelming the rendering process, especially in real-time applications. The Throttle operator can be used to limit the rate of updates.
    .ObserveOnDispatcher() // Ensure UI updates happen on the UI thread
    .Bind(out var boundCollection) // Bind to a UI-friendly collection
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Memory and Resource Management

DynamicData's ability to handle large datasets makes memory management a crucial consideration.

  • Limit Buffer Sizes: When using operators like Buffer or Window, limit the size of buffers to prevent excessive memory use.
    .Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 100) // Buffer items for 1 second or 100 items, whichever comes first
    .Subscribe(buffer => ProcessBuffer(buffer));
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  • Use Virtualization for Large Data Sets: When displaying data in UIs, especially with frameworks like WPF or Xamarin.Forms, leverage virtualization techniques to only render visible items, reducing memory and processing requirements.

Best Practices for Data Manipulation

  • Prefer Immutable Data Models: When possible, use immutable objects to reduce complexity and unintended side effects, making it easier to reason about the application state.
  • Optimize Data Chains: Carefully consider the order and types of operators used. For example, placing a Filter before a Transform reduces the workload by only transforming items that meet the filter criteria.

Use Cases of DynamicData in the Real World

DynamicData's reactive programming model offers a robust solution for managing complex, dynamic data across a wide range of .NET applications. From financial dashboards displaying real-time data to sophisticated user interfaces in healthcare systems, DynamicData has proven to be an invaluable tool. This section explores several use cases in the real world, illustrating the library's flexibility and power in solving real-world problems.

Real-Time Financial Dashboards

Scenario: A financial services company needed to develop a dashboard that could display real-time stock market data, including prices, trends, and alerts. The dashboard needed to handle high-frequency updates from multiple sources and present the data in an easily digestible format to traders and analysts.

Solution: By leveraging DynamicData, the company was able to aggregate live data feeds into a coherent, reactive data model. Using SourceCache<T, TKey> to manage the collection of stock data, they implemented dynamic filtering, sorting, and aggregation to display real-time insights. Connect, Bind, and Throttle operators were used to efficiently update the UI without overwhelming the user interface thread or the end-users with too much information at once.

Outcome: The resulting application provided users with a highly responsive, real-time dashboard that could adapt to market changes instantly. DynamicData's efficient data processing and UI binding significantly reduced the latency between market movements and dashboard updates, enabling timely decision-making.

Healthcare Patient Monitoring System

Scenario: A healthcare technology company developed a patient monitoring system intended for hospitals. The system needed to track and display real-time vital signs for multiple patients simultaneously, alerting medical staff to any critical changes in a patient's condition.

Solution: Utilizing DynamicData, the system's backend aggregated data from various medical devices and sensors into a SourceList<T> for each patient. By applying the AutoRefresh operator, the system could reactively respond to changes in patient data. This setup allowed for the implementation of complex logic to identify critical conditions and trigger alerts. On the front end, DynamicData facilitated seamless data binding to the UI, ensuring that patient data was accurately and promptly reflected on the monitoring screens.

Outcome: The patient monitoring system achieved high marks for reliability and responsiveness. DynamicData's reactive collections ensured that the UI remained updated with the latest patient data, allowing medical personnel to respond quickly to emergencies. The system's ability to handle real-time data efficiently made it an essential tool in the hospital's patient care toolkit.

E-Commerce Inventory Management

Scenario: An e-commerce platform requires a solution to manage inventory levels across thousands of products in real time. The challenge was to reflect inventory changes immediately across the platform to prevent order issues and to provide analytics on inventory trends.

Solution: The platform adopted DynamicData to handle its inventory data, using SourceCache<T, TKey> to maintain a reactive inventory list. Inventory updates received from the warehouse and sales systems were merged into the inventory stream using the Merge operator. This approach enabled real-time updates to inventory levels, which were then dynamically bound to the e-commerce platform's user interface and analytics dashboard.

Outcome: The use of DynamicData allowed for real-time synchronization of inventory data across the e-commerce platform, reducing the incidence of stockout or overselling issues. Additionally, the analytics team was able to use the same data streams to generate real-time insights into inventory trends, aiding in strategic decision-making.

Personal Experience: Real-time Maritime Monitoring

In a project focused on real-time maritime monitoring, we effectively utilized DynamicData in conjunction with Reactive Extensions (Rx) to manage and process data for marine optimization and surveillance systems. The use of SourceCache<T, Key> allowed us to efficiently encapsulate collections of offshore objects into dynamic data pipelines, enabling concurrent data updates for multiple end-users. This setup facilitated the dynamic manipulation of data, allowing users to react to or generate specific maritime events.
We applied two approaches to merging data from various sources into a unified cache, using Rx's Merge and DynamicData's Join operators, which underscored the library's flexibility in working with different object types and relationships. In particular, the LeftJoinMany operator was utilized for effectively managing data concerning maritime objects and associated events, such as warnings.
Furthermore, the project demonstrated DynamicData's ability to enhance UI responsiveness through operators like AutoRefresh and Bind, ensuring real-time updates to UI elements based on changing data. This was critically important for monitoring maritime activities and responding to events in a timely manner. The use of DisposeMany ensured optimal resource management, maintaining system responsiveness even amidst the processing of a vast stream of data.
This experience highlights the scalability and flexibility of DynamicData in real-world scenarios, providing a robust solution for complex, real-time data management challenges.


DynamicData in .NET represents a paradigm shift in how we manage and respond to data changes in our applications. By abstracting away the complexity of data synchronization and offering a suite of tools for reactive data management, it empowers developers to build more responsive, efficient, and maintainable applications. As the digital landscape continues to evolve towards more dynamic and data-intensive applications, embracing libraries like DynamicData is advantageous and essential.
Whether you're new to reactive programming or looking to refine your existing applications, DynamicData provides both the foundation and the advanced capabilities to elevate your .NET projects. I encourage you to dive into DynamicData, explore its extensive documentation, and join the vibrant community of developers who are transforming the way we think about and interact with data in .NET.
As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in application development, let DynamicData be a key tool in your developer toolkit. Embrace the reactive paradigm, contribute to the ecosystem, and let's build the future of .NET applications together.


  1. DynamicData Official Website: For the most direct and comprehensive resource on DynamicData, visit its official website. It provides detailed documentation, tutorials, and examples specifically focused on DynamicData. DynamicData Official Website.
  2. ReactiveUI Official Website: For information on ReactiveUI, which closely integrates with DynamicData, visit the official website. This site offers extensive documentation and tutorials for both ReactiveUI and DynamicData. ReactiveUI.
  3. Introduction to Rx - Reactive Extensions: Lee Campbell's "Intro to Rx" is an excellent resource for understanding Reactive Extensions (Rx), a foundational concept for working with DynamicData. Introduction to Rx.
  4. Microsoft's Official Rx.NET GitHub Repository: As DynamicData builds upon Reactive Extensions (Rx), the Rx.NET GitHub repository provides extensive information on Rx, including its API documentation, sample projects, and community contributions. This is a crucial resource for developers seeking to leverage the full power of reactive programming in .NET. Rx.NET on GitHub.
  5. DynamicData on GitHub: The primary source for DynamicData's source code, documentation, and latest updates. This is an essential resource for developers looking to explore the library's capabilities, contribute to its development, or seek support from the community. Visit DynamicData on GitHub.

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