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AWS Application Composer

I took a closer look at hashtag#aws application composer and created a Serverless Application 🈸
I have seen some videos here on linkedIn, advertising this new functionality and service.
The drag and drop feature is nice, but It doesn't knock my socks off 🧦
In the CloudFormation Webconsole is the Designer, many don't know this feature, but it does basically the same and this for about 8 years now

The IDE support is fine, I tested with Visual Studio.
The Serverless Resources -which you find in 'Enhanced Components' are well supported, but also still got some issues âš 
For example a DynamoDB table... you cannot set the Table Name in the Canvas, the logical ID is the only property, but if you don't want your DynamoDB table named randomly postfixed, you have to add the tableName Attribute manually to the Yaml Code.

If you want to create for example a VPC with the Standard IaC resources, it won't be fun. Adding all required components ( Subnets, IGWs, NGWs, Routes etc ) and connect them, won't save you any time 🕒

I am missing here 'Composite' resources, a composition of resources on a more abstract level, like L3 constructs in CDK or terraform modules (terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws) to be able to create a resource like a VPC or a Fargate Service in a couple of seconds 🚀


Video in my channel youtube@aws.wolfgangunger :

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