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Discussion on: 5G: Developers are Ready BUT Country will take time :( This is why...

usmanawans profile image
Usman Awan

map correction: Pakistan and China have completed 5G trials and massive research is being done by telecom sector. Both countries are planing commercial launchpads together.

manishfoodtechs profile image
manish srivastava

Thanks Usman for writing here. This is good news. I am not updating article contents including maps after publishing. However, you can use two above links mentioned in article to see updated status of 5G.

Also, recently most economical independent countries from China are banning the 5G from China giant Huawei.

Source of above image :

You will notice that half of the world (pinkish / reddish) are ready to delay 5G rollout in view of safeguarding security , democracy, sovereignity of their country.

In my country, India, we are also in second view of implementation of 5G by Huawei.

This is again an interesting news blog to read: