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Discussion on: Share some frontend resources!

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Vaibhav Khulbe

That being are 50 random/lesser-known resources πŸ”₯:

  1. GitHub logo dypsilon / frontend-dev-bookmarks

    Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.

  2. Frontend Mentor Resources
  3. Free Frontend
  4. UNeed - Frontend
  5. HTML5 UP
  6. Appy Dev
  7. Easings - Generate Cubic Bezier Easing Curves
  8. Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion
  9. Google Open Source
  10. Codementor | Get live 1:1 coding help, hire a developer, & more
  11. The ultimate web designer developer course
  12. Dark CSS theme generator | Night Eye
  13. HTML DOM - Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript
  14. Web Skills
  15. Awesome React | LibHunt
  16. Magic Animations CSS3
  17. GraphQL Editor - Ultimate schema designer, ide and online graph maker. Create graph and deploy mock backend
  18. Codrops | Useful resources and inspiration for creative minds
  19. Eloquent JavaScript
  20. React Libraries in 2020 - RWieruch
  21. Neumorphism/Soft UI CSS shadow generator
  22. Multicolor CSS Gradients, JPG Downloads, 100% Free! | Gradienta
  23. .dev
  24. Free HTML Website Templates and HTML UI Kits - HTMLTEMPLATES.CO
  25. HTML, React, and Vue.js landing page templates for startups - Cruip
  27. CSS Layout
  29. Namecheap x Codecademy
  30. Level Up Tutorials | Web Development & Design Tutorials
  31. AppLibsList | Collection of Libraries, Tools and Components for ReactJS
  32. - Frontend
  33. Techtalks
  34. CSS { In Real Life }
  35. The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
  36. Front-end Developer Handbook 2019 - Learn the entire JavaScript, CSS and HTML development practice!
  37. newline | Learn to program React, Angular, Vue, Ethereum, and Node.js with projects
  38. React Resources
  39. Reactiflux
  40. Get Waves – Create SVG waves for your next design
  42. webgems
  43. Upmostly - Learn JavaScript and React the Right Way
  44. Implementing a Mockup: CSS Layout Step by Step
  45. Free Frontend
  46. Blobmaker
  47. Short, instructional screencast video tutorials for web developers on @eggheadio
  48. Vue Mastery | The Ultimate Learning Resource for Vue.js Developers

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Have a good day frontenders!