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Vaibhav Thukral
Vaibhav Thukral

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Lambda functions in Python clearly explained!!

In this post we will explore Lambda functions in Python:

  • What exactly is lambda functions?
  • Why Do We Need Lambda Functions?
  • When to Use Lambda Functions?
  • Best Practices
  • Examples

What exactly is lambda functions?

In Python, a lambda function is a small, anonymous function that can take any number of arguments, but can only have one expression. It's a shorthand way to create a function without declaring it with the def keyword.

Still confused?

Let's understand in laymen's terms

A lambda function is a small, shortcut way to create a simple function. Think of it like a recipe:

Normal Function (Recipe)

  • Write down a list of steps (function name, ingredients, instructions)
  • Follow the steps to make the dish (call the function)

Lambda Function (Quick Recipe)

  • Write down just the essential steps (ingredients, instructions)
  • Use it to make the dish quickly (call the lambda function)

In programming, a lambda function is a concise way to:

  • Take some input (ingredients)
  • Do a simple task (instructions)
  • Return the result (dish)

It's like a quick, disposable recipe that you can use once or multiple times, without having to write down the full recipe book!

Syntax of Lambda Function

Image description

Where arguments is a comma-separated list of variables that will be passed to the function, and expression is the code that will be executed when the function is called.

Let's create a lambda function that takes one argument, x, and returns its square:

Image description

In this example, x is the argument, and x ** 2 is the expression that will be executed when the function is called. We can call this function like this:

print(square(5)) # Output: 25

Example: Lambda Function with Multiple Arguments

Let's create a lambda function that takes two arguments, x and y, and returns their sum:

Image description

In this example, x and y are the arguments, and x + y is the expression that will be executed when the function is called. We can call this function like this:

print(add(3, 4)) # Output: 7

Lambda functions are often used with the map(), filter(), and reduce() functions to perform operations on lists and other iterables.

Example: Using Lambda with Map

Let's use a lambda function with map() to square all numbers in a list:

Image description

In this example, the lambda function lambda x: x ** 2 is applied to each element in the numbers list using map().

Why Do We Need Lambda Functions?

Lambda functions are useful when we need to:

  • Create small, one-time use functions
  • Simplify code and reduce verbosity
  • Use functions as arguments to higher-order functions (like map(), filter(), and reduce())
  • Create anonymous functions (functions without a declared name)

When to Use Lambda Functions

Use lambda functions when:

  • You need a quick, one-time use function that doesn't warrant a full function declaration
  • You want to simplify code and reduce verbosity
  • You need to pass a function as an argument to another function (like map(), filter(), and reduce())
  • You want to create an anonymous function

Example Scenarios

  • Data processing: Use lambda functions to perform simple data transformations or filtering
  • Event handling: Use lambda functions as event handlers for GUI applications or web frameworks
  • Functional programming: Use lambda functions to create higher-order functions and functional pipelines

Best Practices

  • Keep lambda functions short and simple
  • Use lambda functions for one-time use cases
  • Avoid using lambda functions for complex logic or multiple statements
  • Use named functions for complex logic or reusable code

By understanding lambda functions and their use cases, you can write more concise, readable, and efficient Python code.

Top comments (2)

rafaeljohn9 profile image

Easy to follow article,

Thanks for explaining this

vaibhavt14 profile image
Vaibhav Thukral

Glad you found it helpful!