DEV Community

Val Philip Lorejo
Val Philip Lorejo

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Started to get used to coding using GitHub with an IDE. I learned about programs such as Bash and Puma and slightly getting used to the GitHub panel.

Linking to Other Websites and Opening Links

Learned about the tags which are involved with opening new links. The attribute href goes into the first tab and invovles putting a link in quotes after that attribute. The attribute target can be used to open a new window when set to _blank

An example will go like this:

Storage of HTML files in a multi page static website are often stored in a root directory or main folder that holds all the contents together. Can nest folders inside main folder for more organization when size grows.

There is a difference between a relative path and an absolute path. A relative path is a local file within a website while an absolute path is a full on URL. (./) is what will tell the HTML file to look in the folder that is currently being used.

By Wrapping anchor tags with an image tag together, you are able to create an image on the website that can also act as a link as well, creating more versatility when making a website.

When starting HTML file must use <!DOCTYPE html> to help browser know what version to use/expect

Linking to Same Page

Through the use of id, you can link specific sections of the same page. It goes like this:

ex) a href = "#id name" /a
The anchor tags can also be nested in other tags like li
/li to make a list that is what links to other sections

of the same page.

Through past experience in Python comments are used by adding # or surrounding text with triple quotes but in HTML comments are created by doing this:

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