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Cover image for 1757. LeetCode's Recyclable and Low-Fat Products Solution - Simple & Logical SQL Command
Piyush Acharya
Piyush Acharya

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1757. LeetCode's Recyclable and Low-Fat Products Solution - Simple & Logical SQL Command

For a more in-depth explanation, pleas view my LeetCode solution:


The problem is to find the product ids of products that are low in fats and recyclable from a table called Products. A possible way to solve this problem is to use a SQL query that filters the rows based on the low_fats and recyclable columns.


  1. Write a SELECT statement that specifies the product_id column as the output.
  2. Write a FROM clause that specifies the Products table as the source.
  3. Write a WHERE clause that specifies the conditions for low_fats and recyclable columns. Use the AND operator to combine the two conditions.
  4. Run the query and return the result.


  • Time complexity: O(n)
    The SQL query iterates over all of the items in the `Product table to check if they match the clauses.

  • Space complexity: O(1)
    No additional storage is necessary for the SQL query.


SELECT product_id FROM Products WHERE low_fats='Y' AND recyclable='Y';

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