DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
vinistock profile image
Vinicius Stock

Makes sense. Did you at least get a chance to experiment with RoR a little bit? Do you intend to give it a shot?

justageek profile image
Brian Smith

I didn't, because I was freelance then (and now), so anything I did to learn was "on my own dime", so I just focused on the tools where I already had plenty of good work.

justageek profile image
Brian Smith

Also, it did fill a little hype-filled, and DHH of Rails / Basecamp fame, seemed, to be honest, very arrogant. I heard more than one tech person look at a web site and say "that looks like a RoR site", like somehow the design was specific to RoR, so that felt like hype-cruft.

vinistock profile image
Vinicius Stock

I understand how you feel. I like Ruby because it is fun to write and Rails is a great framework for prototyping, but I see why others wouldn't like it

justageek profile image
Brian Smith

Right, I'm not at all suggesting the hype was real, I just didn't have time to investigate.