DEV Community

Discussion on: Does your laptop stay at work?

vitalcog profile image
Chad Windham

My company allows us to use their laptops as we see fit. I have complete freedom to take it home with me. I absolutely never do because I make it a point to separate work from the rest of my life. When I leave the office, I am done working. I don't take work home with me.

cseeman profile image

I agree, I try my best to separate work from home life, it feels like a slippery slop when you always have your work available to you.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Meh... Working from home, frequently, means that most pay-periods, I've burned all my period's hours by about Wednesday of the second week ...leaving me the option of either taking that Thursday and/or Friday off or pulling a few extra hours to offset the next Uber and bar-tab for a night out with my wife. When I work from the office, I'm much more 8hr/day aligned ...but mostly because if I don't, my commute becomes a five minutes per mile crawl.

There's pluses and minuses to having your work at home.

andrewdcato profile image
Andrew Cato

When I leave the office, I am done working. I don't take work home with me.

This. I have too many workaholic tendencies to bring work home.

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Self care is the best care. Sometimes knowing you need that extra step of leaving it at home makes a huge difference. Thanks for sharing!