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Why I Decided to Go Into Software Engineering.

Software Engineering has interested me when I was in middle school. My oldest brother ultimately got me into coding and showed me a few things back then. After showing me what projects he was doing for NASA and some of the stories he came out with during his time there I was hooked.

After getting into programming more I saw it was a great career field that is highly rewarding and full of opportunity. The endless road of opportunities for programming has a place for everyone for what I see. Especially nowadays when every business has software of some sort. Logistics, Healthcare, Entertainment, Retail, etc all need someone to help program software or build/maintain a website. Programming can take you just about anywhere with the vast amount of opportunity there is.

Software Engineers career is also very rewarding as well. When I looked into Software engineering I saw it was a very sound paying career. Along with the great pay, some companies allow remote work which is an amazing for a lot of reasons. Those were the 2 things that really peaked my interest in this career. Another great thing that I saw programming has to offer is that it's always changing. There is always something new to learn in programming, which to me is always nice not to have everything being same ol' thing. I love that there is always something to learn no matter if you are the greatest coder in world there's always something new to learn.

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