DEV Community

Discussion on: [Challenge] 🐝 FizzBuzz without if/else

vonheikemen profile image
Heiker • Edited

You can still have flow control with functions.

const troo = (iff, elz) => iff;
const falz = (iff, elz) => elz;
const choose = (value) => [falz, troo][Number(Boolean(value))];

const is_fizz = (n) => choose(n % 3 === 0);
const is_buzz = (n) => choose(n % 5 === 0);

const fizzbuzz = (n) =>
  is_fizz(n) (
    () => is_buzz (n) ("FizzBuzz", "Fizz"),
    () => is_buzz (n) ("Buzz", n),

const range = (end) =>
  new Array(end).fill(null).map((val, index) => index + 1);

range(15).map(fizzbuzz).join(", ");
nombrekeff profile image

I liked this approach! Thanks for sharing!