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Vrutika Premani
Vrutika Premani

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Top 5 Enhancements in ECMAScript 2024 (ES15)

JavaScript continues to evolve, and the latest version, ECMAScript 2024 (ES15), brings a host of new features and enhancements. These updates aim to improve the language’s functionality, performance, and developer experience. In this article, we’ll explore the top five enhancements in ES15, complete with code samples to illustrate their practical applications.

  1. Array Grouping by groupBy and groupByToMap ES15 introduces Array.prototype.groupBy and Array.prototype.groupByToMap, which allow you to group array elements based on a criterion provided by a callback function. This feature simplifies the process of categorizing and organizing data within arrays.


const animals = [
{ name: 'Lion', type: 'Mammal' },
{ name: 'Shark', type: 'Fish' },
{ name: 'Eagle', type: 'Bird' },
{ name: 'Whale', type: 'Mammal' },

const groupedByType = animals.groupBy(animal => animal.type);
Mammal: [{ name: 'Lion', type: 'Mammal' }, { name: 'Whale', type: 'Mammal' }],
Fish: [{ name: 'Shark', type: 'Fish' }],
Bird: [{ name: 'Eagle', type: 'Bird' }]

const groupedByTypeMap = animals.groupByToMap(animal => animal.type);
Map {
'Mammal' => [{ name: 'Lion', type: 'Mammal' }, { name: 'Whale', type: 'Mammal' }],
'Fish' => [{ name: 'Shark', type: 'Fish' }],
'Bird' => [{ name: 'Eagle', type: 'Bird' }]
These methods enhance the readability and manageability of your code when working with grouped data.

  1. Temporal API for Date and Time Handling The new Temporal API provides a modern and comprehensive way to handle dates and times in JavaScript, addressing many of the issues found in the existing Date object.


const now = Temporal.Now.plainDateTimeISO();
console.log(now.toString()); // 2024-06-13T12:34:56

const birthday = Temporal.PlainDate.from('2000-01-01');
const age = now.since(birthday);
console.log(You are ${age.years} years old.); // You are 24 years old.
The Temporal API offers precise and flexible date and time manipulations, making it a valuable addition for developers dealing with internationalization and time zones.

  1. RegExp Match Indices RegExp match indices (d flag) provide start and end positions of matched substrings, enhancing the capability of regular expressions to return more detailed information.


const regex = /(foo)/d;
const str = 'foo bar foo';
const match = regex.exec(str);

[0, 3], // for the full match 'foo'
[0, 3] // for the group '(foo)'
This feature allows developers to extract and manipulate substrings more effectively by providing precise match indices.

  1. Enhanced Error Cause The enhanced error cause feature allows you to specify a cause when throwing an error. This provides better context for error handling and debugging by linking related errors together.


try {
try {
throw new Error('Original error');
} catch (err) {
throw new Error('Enhanced error', { cause: err });
} catch (err) {
console.error(err.message); // Enhanced error
console.error(err.cause.message); // Original error
This feature improves error handling by maintaining a chain of errors, making it easier to diagnose and resolve issues in complex applications.

  1. Symbol.prototype.description The description property on Symbol.prototype provides a way to access the optional description of a symbol directly, enhancing the introspection capabilities of symbols.


const sym = Symbol('mySymbol');
console.log(sym.description); // 'mySymbol'
This small but useful feature makes it easier to work with symbols by allowing direct access to their descriptions, improving code readability and debugging.

ECMAScript 2024 (ES15) introduces several powerful features that enhance JavaScript’s functionality and usability. The new array grouping methods, Temporal API, RegExp match indices, enhanced error cause, and symbol descriptions collectively contribute to a more robust and developer-friendly language. These enhancements simplify common tasks, improve code readability, and offer more control over complex operations, ensuring JavaScript remains a versatile and modern programming language. Stay updated with these new features to leverage the full potential of ES15 in your projects.``

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