Quick Run
sed -i 's/THEME = .*'/THEME = "theme"/g'
rm -r output
pelican content/ -s pelicanconf.py -p 8000
pelican -l content -o output -s pelicanconf.py -p 8000 -r
The theme uses CDN bootstrap to fix the issue of missing background when printing/generate PDF and Awesome Font
Building static web page
- Run docker-compose in the EC2 instance: Clone the code and run docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
Create AWS Resources Using CDK
- Create AWS target group which listen to port 8000
- Create domain point to the ALB
- Generate listen rule from the ALB
- Using CDK to deploy AWS resources as cloudformation (Need to install CDK python tool and libs, AWS CDK First Start)
cp web_stack
cdk deploy '*'
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