DEV Community

Discussion on: On Sharpening Your Tools

w3ndo profile image
Patrick Wendo • Edited

When I started my new job, during the first week I noticed that I always have to do the same 3 tasks.

  1. Start the local server
  2. Open my editor
  3. Open my browser

So I figured I would just automate that. I just added an alias in my .zshrc file. (Probably a better way to do this.)

Later on, when trying to get to grips with the code base, I would spend a lot of time clicking through the files, so I looked up how to search for a specific fike name on VS Code (ctrl+P ) and then to search for a specific line in the entire code base(CTRL+SHIFT+F)

I also learned that pressing F12 when focused on a specific function/class/method will open its definition

These are small things I learned that have easily sped up a lot of my workflow.

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

These are great! What I see is that "be mindful in what you do…pay attention."

As a programmer, my job is to tell a computer what to do.