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Discussion on: From $400 to $.02 Monthly Spend in Azure

wannabehexagon profile image
ItsThatHexagonGuy • Edited

I don't know much about Azure or its ecosystem so I'd like to hear why/what lead to a $70 bill. afaik GCP Compute Engine and AWS EC2 have hourly and per-second pricing respectively and using ECS or GKE isnt all that expensiv unless you are have some serious traffic.

You should really try out an IaC tool like serverless, since you are using cloud functions you could also make use of serverless components :)

I would say cloud functions are a powerful tool as long as they are used for stateless operations. Glad to see that you are exploring cloud tech! Hope you'll keep sharing more about your journey.

gcnu profile image

actually $70 is nothing with GCP too.

problem with these tools are....they are quite powerful but damn expensive...they are useful for enterprises.

wannabehexagon profile image

I'm not saying that GCP is cheaper than Azure (it can be in certain situations), I'm more or less asking how the $70 breaks down.

paulmojicatech profile image
paulmojicatech • Edited

Honestly, I probably could have made my code more efficient, which could have caused extra compute that didn’t need to happen. When I moved my relational database to Mongo Atlas, it was pretty much a straight port which I don’t think gave me the benefits of a NoSql, non-normalized database. I have heard about Serverless Framework, if that is what you mean, but have not gotten the chance to try it out yet. I was just really impressed with Microsoft’s tool chain to deploy to Azure, which of course is the reason for the free tools (VSCode and the Azure extensions).