DEV Community

Discussion on: What BOTHERS you most about Open Source Collaboration? (maintainers, and collaborators)

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Waylon Walker

I maintain and contribute to open source projects. My open-source projects are very small packages for my own use cases, I don't think they have a ton of users.

I adhere to a boy scout rule, If I see something I report it or fix it. These contributions are sometimes unclear docs, Missing or broken links in docs, or features that I have a vested interest in. I lurk in the issues/prs of packages that I have an interest in, and sometimes pop in to give my 2c.

The main tool I use for this is GitHub. I've made a number of contributions without ever cloning the repository. GitHub's edit button magically creates a fork that I can hack on myself. This is partially why my total number of commits is fairly high, not because I do a ton of work, but because I use the tool and it ends up saving a commit for each small change.