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Discussion on: Some thoughts lately

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Waylon Walker

You are a strong person, not only to share this with everyone online but just being this real with yourself. I don't think nearly enough of us have this honest conversation with ourselves enough. 🙋‍♂️ I for one struggle with a lot of stuff that I cannot break down and be this honest with myself.

As far as your career goes, I really like the ideas that Ken Coleman presents on his podcast. Think about where you are now and where you want to be. Then think about what is the smallest step that I can start taking in that direction now. He also talks about getting the job you want is partly your skills and part, "who you know". So getting a job near where you want to be will help you build your network.

Right now you are learning python. Python is great at automating things. Do you currently work at an office where people are doing things that could be automated? Offer to help out.

If your not currently working at a place that would allow for this, look at your current skill set for things that employers would hire you for that would allow you to dip your toe into the next thing that you want to do.

You don't have to go to a bootcamp or college to be effective. This is just the standard route for a lot of folks. It doesn't work for everyone. I for one think that we are sending too many people into an education system that doesn't work as well as real experience would for them. The sad part is that if you choose the school of hard knocks instead of a 4-year degree or a bootcamp you will struggle to get hired at certain places.

I have had the experience where we were looking for a new person to hire. I fought hard for someone without a degree. He had real-world skills that no one else on the team had, and no candidate would have. Sadly I was met with the rules being what they were and no way to get him into my group. There are great places out there that will accept your real experience, but many others will look past you without that certificate.

@deniselemonaki you are a strong person, stay strong. Too many people have these realizations too late. Great for you to discover these things about yourself now.

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Dionysia Lemonaki

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and leave such a thoughtful comment, much appreciated 🙏