DEV Community

Discussion on: Best Open Source UI Frameworks for ReactJS

whoisryosuke profile image

If you mean UI frameworks with React components, I recommend:

  • Material UI is great if you like material design.
  • Semantic UI is great if you want something better designed than Bootstrap.
  • React Bootstrap is great if you like the CSS/SASS version.
  • Ant Design is great if you want a "minimal" design aesthetic.

A lot of companies have their own design systems you can download and use, like Shopify's Polaris or Segment's Evergreen. Adele has a great table of the design systems and the tech they use (SASS vs CSS in JS / React vs HTML components / etc). There's also this 'awesome-design-systems' Github that has a similar table.

You can also use any CSS framework with React, so stuff like Semantic UI, Bootstrap, Bulma, Foundation, Materialize works too.