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Justin Chew • Edited

Don't worry too much about having trouble at the start, everyone goes through this in the beginning but a few things you can do that will help speed up your learning process.

  1. There is nothing wrong with using Google but spend a couple of minutes on figuring out the problem yourself and when you hit a brick wall, that's a sign that you need some guidance. Whether it's searching it on the internet or asking someone who would know the solution to your problem.

  2. Reduce the scope of your projects, courses usually cover every concept of a specific topic. Instead, what you can do is learn a single concept and try to understand that concept until you're really comfortable with it. Then move onto another concept and do the same thing. Rinse and repeat. Doing it this way will make it much easier to digest information and that will make it easier to start on a small project then gradually to a bigger one.

  3. First Principles Theory - You might have heard this from Elon Musk or someone else but this will make you think of how you boil things down into small pieces.

So for example, you have a project and you want to make a pacman game. Well in this game, you will need to have the board that contains pacman, the ghosts, obstables, the dots, and other things in the UI. Then you drill down each of these objects and decide what you want them to do.

For ex. pacman needs to go up, down, left and right of the board. He needs to eat the dots and be able to eat the ghosts if he eats the big dots, and die if the ghosts catches him.

Hope this helps and remember to just keep coding and eventually you'll become a master at it!