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Discussion on: Establish Self as a Software Developer: Help!!

wuz profile image
Conlin Durbin • Edited

I understand that. You've got the whole path ahead of you though, no need to panic now.

What sort of things interest you?

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iamjoross profile image
Jose Ross Barredo • Edited

I really am into web applications. I started coding apps using php frameworks before landing on making web apps using Django (sidecomment: looove python). But i feel like Im way too outdated so just recently, i am very keen on learning whether AngularJS or ReactJS. Also, flutter seems like a fancy stuff to learn.

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wuz profile image
Conlin Durbin

I'd definitely recommend JS, depending on what parts of web applications you want to build. Building a good JavaScript foundation, before jumping into React or angular will help a lot. If you are interested in backend/API development, Python is a great choice. You also can't go writing with Ruby on rails.

If you think you want to be more full stack, I'd recommend learning more backend first.

If you have any questions about frontend stuff, I'd be more than happy to answer them. I also know a bit about backend, but there are other people much more suited to that.

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iamjoross profile image
Jose Ross Barredo

Cool! I would be very happy if you could help me out please. I was thinking on solidifying my frontend skills. If I have to rate my JS skills, proll have to say 3 out of 5. I know my way with JavaScript but it's not too advanced.

What do you suggest I should do?

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wuz profile image
Conlin Durbin

I think there are 5 main areas that are important for really nailing JS fundamentals.

  1. The this keyword
  2. The prototype chain
  3. Functions and closures
  4. The event loop
  5. The browser and it's API's

I'm actually in the process of putting together some posts on each of these, but they won't be ready for a bit.

I'd start with MDN and read up a bit in each of those things. Play with them in Codepen or somewhere similar.

I'd be happy to answer any questions you have on specific for those.

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iamjoross profile image
Jose Ross Barredo

Thanks man! I'll busy myself with these topics. I won't hesitate to ask you if I have questions 🤣