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Discussion on: What do you think of the future of Java?

xowap profile image
Rémy 🤖

I don't think that anybody is trying to replace Java, it's just that Java is solving problems that don't exist anymore. Also, Oracle is starting to screw it up.

So I'd say, Java is the new COBOL.

jervine791 profile image
john ervine

Thats pretty damning to compare it to COBOL and grossly unfair.

Ive been a java developer for most of my career and when faced with most problem, Java would be one of the first tools I would reach for when building APIs and systems that move alot of data around. There are better languages to work with but consider for a second how much the JVM helps when it comes to optimising your code out of the box. Since the arrival of Java 8 and with libraries like RXJava, its pretty easy to write highly concurrent applications without delving into the shit storm that is multi-threading in Java.

People said the samething about C and C++ but people are still writing lots of critical applications using it and the same applies to Java. There are many more days in the old dog yet.

xowap profile image
Rémy 🤖

I'm not judging COBOL nor Java (in this thread at least).

Though Java brings a good compromise between C and purely interpreted languages, computers are so fast and JIT compilers became so advanced that the compromise line is leaning much more towards JavaScript or Python nowadays.

Also don't forget what they say about hammers and nails :)

_mosiatj profile image
Mosia TJ

Would you be kind and articulate on those problems that aren't there no more?

Open JDK still exists, and Oracle JDK also exists... Companies will keep buying Oracle JDK or turn to OpenJDK, it doesn't mean everything should always be free. Java ain't going anywhere, it will keep being dominant at the entreprise level. One thing that is interesting in the world is that Licensed and priced products are almost always more solid and good quality than open-source. It's just a fact... So Open JDK is good and will keep working(feel opensource), it's just that people aren't paying attention to it, they just wanna mummer about oracle this, oracle that... Oracle is not java.

imben1109 profile image

What is advantage of java? I love java because there are a lot of awesome libraries and users. They can change my way of developing. Most importance is they use java.

_mosiatj profile image
Mosia TJ

Good point. No one has time to redefine those libraries in another language, which isn't any better in solving problems compared to java. They are only interesting in adding more features. OpenJDK is the future of Java, so be it. PEACE TO THE EXPERTS...

"What's an expert anyway? Just some guy out of town." Larry Ellison.