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Discussion on: Do you need singletons in Python ?

xtofl profile image

I think: NO. I haven't seen a situation where the Singleton pattern could not be replaced by proper design (separating construction from use, in other words, Dependency Injection). I have seen no Singleton that was properly tested.

Using the module as a means to enforce single-instance removes the enforcing from the programmer, which is a nice thing. It does, however, make it impossible to test the code in isolation because of the side-effects.

taikedz profile image
Tai Kedzierski

Could you elaborate a bit please? "separating construction from use" in the context of needing to ensure and enforce a unique point of access to a resource does sound like a Singleton pattern to me... at least, the way I've interpreted Singleton.

I do see the issue with using the module as encofrcement creating a non-injectable situation though, from a testing standpoint.

xtofl profile image

You're right: dependency injection (DI) leaves the enforcing to the designer, while Singleton would be guarded by the language, which is more limiting w.r.t. allocation. It leads to too many problems for me to trust, though.

DI is also a technique to indicate that locating the point of access is not the concern of the consumer. It removes the consumer's coupling to the class that represents the resource under control. By separating the provide/consume concerns, it becomes clear by the design that the resource is not allocated by the consumer, but by the provider.

The uniqueness follows from the fact that the resource is allocated 'upstream'. There is only one entry point in the program; that main method is responsible for allocation - directly or indirectly - and forwarding the resources to the consumer part.

I have applied this design for the control software of a sorting machine - resisting a classic candidate for sneaking in a Singleton: there's only one controller board, after all, and all of the components need access to it.

When it was decided to increase the sorting capacity by doubling the hardware, none of the consuming software had to be adapted.

For me, eating that pudding that was proof enough that dependency injection leads to manageable (and scalable!) software. And that we can live happily without the superficial 'comfort' of a global-access instance.

Maybe this application of DI needs a catchy pattern name, too :).

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taikedz profile image
Tai Kedzierski

OK - so the way I am understanding it is something like as follows...


# Private instantiable object
#  dundered to "force" consumer to use `get_controller_board()`
class __ControllerBoard(__InternalClass):
    # all the logic for actual controller board interaction

# Controller board access manager
# consumers of this controller board module start here
def get_controller_board():
    global _INSTANCE
    if _INSTANCE is None:
        _INSTANCE = __ControllerBoard()
    return _INSTANCE
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I might have written this clunkily, but does that illustrate the principle?

I don't actually implement a "Singleton" approach specifically on the controller board class, leaving extension possible, but at the same time I do enforce a single means to access a controller board.

The module._INSTANCE property can be accessed externally, but can only be initialised by get_controller_board()

The module._INSTANCE property also is injectable at this point, causing get_controller_board() to return our injected instance as needed in test?

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xtofl profile image

Not exactly. This moves the singleton implementation logic to the module, but doesn't change its general principle. Better than the class, but
not flexible, and hardly testable (think test case interdependencies). It does prove that no Singletons are needed in Python, even if you want to reify the pattern.

What I meant was inverting control: the consumer does not request the resource at run time, but is injected with the resource by its controlling module at construction time. The life of the resource is controlled by the controlling module:

# - consuming module

class Led:
  def __init__(self, gpio, pin):  # resource is injected!
    self.gpio = gpio = pin

  def blink(self, times: int):
    for _ in range(times):, 1)
      time.sleep(.5), 0)
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@pytest.mark.parametrize("ledpin", range(120))
def test_led_blinking_forwards_to_gpio(ledpin):
  gpio = MagicMock()  # resource is mocked
  led = Led(gpio, pin=ledpin)
  assert, 0).was_called(5)
  assert, 1).was_called(5)
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# the Controlling Module

board = PI()  # resource is controlled here
leds = [Led(gpio=board.gpio, pin=i) for i in range(10)]
buttons = [Button(gpio=board.gpio, pin=i) for i in range(10, 20)]

while not buttons[5].down():
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This design allows scaling, testing, mutating, whatnot without touching the consumer. It stays clear from global limitation of the number of resources, but still results in no accidental overallocation. That is achieved by separating the allocation from the retrieval.

# there are many boards, controlled here
warning_board = RemotePI("")
display_board = RemotePI("")
warning_led = Led(warning_board.gpio, 1)
good_led = Led(display_board.gpio, 1)
stop_check = Button(display_board.gpio, 2)
while stop_check.down():
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Dang, whenever I discuss something with you, I end up writing an article :).

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taikedz profile image
Tai Kedzierski

Ah... an item that needs a shared resource receives the reference to said resource on instantiation , and does not tryo to go looking for it... I think I get it....

We have a situation where due to our testing framework itself (and an old inherited testing fixture), our instance does not have control of the instantiation of the TestCase (nor do we specify the main() function).... and that's why I was not thinking in that direction.

But this actually does make more sense to me... probably.

Dang, whenever I discuss something with you, I end up writing an article :).

Glad to be of service 🤣 And thank you, you have LED me to enlightenment ( .... 🦗.... )